Not aware of any major problems. Lots of kids around during the day but usually plenty of adults as well. The park is actually locked at night so you either stay in or stay out! Not very convenient if you want to go into town for a meal!
How safe is the 24hr mooring there?
I've often wondered on my way past.
Looks like it can get a bit lively!
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The park is locked overnight, however there is currently a problem with youths who hang around the gates. This is what they did to SWMBO's car on Monday night:
Hopefully things will improve when I either win a campaign to get a certain forumite's CCTV installed... or some of the residents start a bit of "antisocial behaviour" ourselves.
I used to know a copper who worked in ealing one day he told me this story
on the beat one day he caught a youngster relieving himself in someones doorway when questioned the youngster replies Ill p11s where I ffing want to so with this the pc takes the back to his parents the father opens the door and when told what his son had done says my son can p11s where he fffing wants !!!!!
With this the copper says I tell you what then when I am next on the beat here and need to go to the toilet I will kr@p in your dorway then !
Can you can Imagine the response /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ive moored there quite a few times and the kids tend to stay away from the river , we have had a bit of trouble but after a few words they have actually made the effort to come over and say sorry . This was all about a year ago .