I recently discovered that when I get back to my home state of Victoria in Australia I will need to take a license test so that I can operate a recreational powerboat i.e PWC, yacht with auxillary motor, powerboat. Apparently, legislation was introduced in reponse to serious accidents involving PWCs and bathers. Boating is very popular in Australia, not just coastal/ocean, but on rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.
My initail reaction was resentment at having my leisure past time licensed, but after going through some of the sample test questions I began to appreciate that motorboaters and PWCers arexpected to have some knowledge of sail boat rules of the road as well. Similarly, yachties are expected to understand the rules regarding water ski, and safe bathing areas. Admittedly, a drivers license does not necessarily make you a better driver, but it does mean you are expected to obey certain rules, if not, expect to be penialised.
Licensing in the UK may not be such a bad thing after all in that it may lead to a better appreciation, and understanding of other water users .... or am I being a bit naive?