When the seller deliberately withholds material information on the underwater hull condition ?


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6 Nov 2002
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You need to read the thread to appreciate why I made that observation. The OP already knew there had been an issue and work undertaken on the hull, but assumed it was resolved given the information provided by the seller. His beef is about there being further information held by the seller that said the remedial work was in dispute. Therefore irrelevant what the work was, nor what the boat is.

The discussion is about the sequence of events and whether he would have made an offer and incurred the cost of lifts and survey if he had known about the dispute. There is obviously now some recognition that the seller might have been more open as he has offered to pay part of the lift costs.
That’s an excellent summary.

My original question was on how I best respond to the non-disclosure.

One regret, I have in the whole experience in that that I flew off the handle at the seller with threats…. With hindsight, if I responded with ‘if you really did not believe this was an outstanding issue you can refund me 50% of the survey costs and use my report to go back to your boatyard and ask for further remediation’ then that that would have saved us all a lot of stress as that’s where we finally ended up.

That’s one lesson I’ve taken away is to look for the common ground first, you can always escalate if that does not work !
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6 Nov 2002
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OK, so once again we have a thread based on half the story.
I’m not sure the point you’re making ?

Obviously it’s only one side of the story, as it’s told from my perspective. The broker will have a different perspective, as will the seller.

In respect to the words you highlighted, if you actually read through the whole thread I say “Yes I fed back to my displeasure to the broker and asked for a 50% contribution to the survey costs otherwise …. (Insert your own conclusion here). But… after sleeping on it overnight and getting all the feedback, I went back said just forget it; life is too short”


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12 Aug 2004
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I’m not sure the point you’re making ?

Obviously it’s only one side of the story, as it’s told from my perspective. The broker will have a different perspective, as will the seller.

In respect to the words you highlighted, if you actually read through the whole thread I say “Yes I fed back to my displeasure to the broker and asked for a 50% contribution to the survey costs otherwise …. (Insert your own conclusion here). But… after sleeping on it overnight and getting all the feedback, I went back said just forget it; life is too short”
Extreme example: a yacht popped up in my searching at a ridiculously low price. Seller states: fire damaged; needs complete rebuild - with photos. Price is probably about right but the whole project is not what I want. Wasted 30 seconds. Wasn’t cross. Would’ve been if I’d gone to see it under a misapprehension.

Pleased your case was amicably resolved. Hope you find the one for you.


Well-known member
12 Aug 2014
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OK, so once again we have a thread based on half the story.
OK, so once again we have a thread based on half the story.
The forum is not a courtroom and it’s a good place to get advice when a member is not too sure if his frustration is reasonable or advice on what action to take. The advice I get most times is sleep on it.

Communication is normally the main issue in everything



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13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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All boats need work on to get to new owners taste, especially if more than a few years old.

I have spent days and hundred of pounds going up and down these lands looking for the right one for us. However compared with the thousands then replacing all parts needed for a safe reliable passage maker cross irish sea or english channel, the buying research investement was nothing. I was lucky in previous two in that seller was open, less lucky in present happy purchase as seller was wildly optimistic about the state of the craft. How it goes !