On leaving St Vast several years ago and about 1 hour out the skipper (not me) noticed that there was only seven on board and not eight so he was a crew member short.
Very embarrassing having to go back for him. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Very funny when it was his son he had left there. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Still gets ribbed about it to this day /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Yup, have to admit to the same /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif In the days of trailering, drove to Camber Dock in Portsmouth. All the way down I sid to SWMBO "remind me to put the bung in". Get to Pompey, launch boat off trailer, oh joy! Off into Pompey Harbour when my daughter who must have been about six at the time, tapped me on the shoulder and said "Daddy, should there be this much water here?" I looked round and the poor child was up to her knees in the the wet stuff! At this point my words are censored, but a quick sprint back to the Camber and beached boat on slip while I went off to get the car and trailer. Took about an hour to get it on trailer and drained. All else that I've left behind pales into insignificance!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Not released the wind genny.
Not turned off a sea cock.
Not turned off the electrics master switch(es).
Left my ensign and horseshoe on the stern.
Left the gas on at the bottle.
Going the other way! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Forgot the boat and compound key.
Forgot to get some milk.
run out of petrol for the OB.
Forgot my glasses for night vision.
Did that the other way round. Got home and couldn't find the boat key. Convinced I'd dropped them on a petrol station forecourt, rang up, but no. Drove back to Christchurch to find them hanging from the lock on the patio door.
We have a routine, too. But on this occasion, it was dark, peeing down, kids moaning, needed to stop immediately for fuel, couldn't remember if I'd left the keys in my jacket, if they'd fallen out in the boot etc etc...