Whatever happened to Burnham?

Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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Personally, I positively love a good bit of propwalk.

That's not the problem with long keelers, it's more about the unpredictability as to which way the stern is likely to go.

I swear that some of them really do have a mind of their own, and a very wicked sense of practical joking.

For some reason this year we're going backwards in a straight line - every time! Utterly predictable. I mean I say we're going backward in a straight line but that's all we're doing, we used to turn one way or the other now no matter what I do with the rudder we just go back straight. No changes except a new engine, so the boat decided that she's not for turning, in astern. Next year she may plan to always turn to port in astern, or flip over and do a somersault, who knows.


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I've lived in Burnham for six years now, having spent the previous ten years in west Devon, and the five years before that on the Isle of Man.

I find Burnham to be a friendly, welcoming, town, with a strong community spirit, and many good, warm-hearted, helpful, people.

It is certainly facing some big challenges right now, as discussed in some of the posts in this thread, but I love living here.

I genuinely don't relate to Nick's comments at all: in fact, they strike me as needlessly unpleasant.

In particular, just for the record, I do not know anyone who is:

- walking around with a knife in their back

- trying to tax non-Burnhamites (I don't even know what you mean by that Nick)

- a member of any 'lodge' (I write as a life-long hater of fraternal organisations such as the masons)

Maybe I am naive, and blind to what is going on around me, or, perhaps, Nick, you are mixing in the wrong circles.

Well said, and you're not being naive.

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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Interesting that this thread has appeared at this particular time.

It was only a few weeks ago that I was having a beer with an ex long-term resident of Burnham. From the stories he was telling, he made it sound like there has been so much back-stabbing all the local residents are walking around with knives in their backs.

Now as some of you know I do have reasons to have a personal gripe with certain people and a particular boat-yard in Burnham who got caught-out stealing from me, but that aside. It is beginning to sound like it is not just me, the whole Burnham, let's try and tax anyone who is not a Burnhamite and a member of the Burnham lodge attitude seems to have a lot to do with the current attitude in the area.

Must be something in the water!

He's off again !!!?

Burnham Bob

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I like living in Burnham. It might still have an old fashioned feel to it, but with a cinema showing the latest movies for around £3, waterfront pubs like the Anchor and good places to eat as well as rail service into London, the quality of life is pretty good.

However we moved the boat to Bradwell because we couldn't afford BYH and we wanted access to the boat outside the times the Priors launch was running without wrestling a dinghy and outboard along the pontoon. As well, day sailing from Bradwell is much nicer. There's only so many times you can see the seals in Yokesfleet or go up river for lunch at Fambridge.

Burnham Week is not what it was. There used to be a champagne tent when we first moved here! Corporate sponsors chose Cowes not Burnham so we lost out - not sure of the reasons but it's probably lots of varying causes.

Love living here, now sail somewhere else.


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About 3 or 4 years ago, after disappointing visit to Burnham Week, I posted on here asking "What has happened to Burnham Week?" The reply it got was people were reluctant to give up a week of their annual holidays to go to Burnham, when it might rain, but rather go somewhere sunny.

I wonder if other sailing weeks have declined in the same way. Mersea Week (Next week) always seems to get a good turnout

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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About 3 or 4 years ago, after disappointing visit to Burnham Week, I posted on here asking "What has happened to Burnham Week?" The reply it got was people were reluctant to give up a week of their annual holidays to go to Burnham, when it might rain, but rather go somewhere sunny.

I wonder if other sailing weeks have declined in the same way. Mersea Week (Next week) always seems to get a good turnout

I have done loads of burnham weeks way back. When there was a big turn out and loads of stellas etc it was fun but these days with the silting up and lack of class racing sailing in a ditch has no appeal. Ramsgate week & mersea week give much better sailing waters. However living near burnham i go there weekly & enjoy the town. The marina is friendly but the Swallotail was a disappointment being shut when i went last time & it is a fair walk to get a meal in the town. I managed to fall base over apex over a b..y speed hump in the dark 4 weeks ago returning from a drink & still bare the scars
I sailed there to get a scrub & the empty moorings was depressing sight
However, it was good to see dozens of kids out sailing between RCYC & pile house all shepherded by ribs with instructors giving advice at the marks. That was promising for the future if the club can keep them
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8 Dec 2001
I might be fairly new to this forum and might have missed something but this seems the sort of rant that made it into Jasper Carrot's 'nutter on the bus' sketch.

Obviously not intended to refer to everyone in Burnham, although I have to admit the way I worded my message did suggest that. There are some very nice people there, I know, some of them are good friends.

Was referring to what might best be referred to as the 'Burnham Establishment', those who have been there for many years, the sort who put themselves on as many local committees as possible. Those who might be described as having control freakery tendencies. Some of whom not surprisingly have connections with the boatyard in question.

Fair to say the conversation in question was discussing the particular boatyard, various committees and well mostly people that we had both known over the previous twenty years. So yes a limited group but a limited group of the Burnham Establishment.

Now I would certainly have agreed with you ten or twenty years ago but have to say that's not my recent experiences of the place, but that's just me.

Neal, surely you remember the situation of the little boat with the BIG engine don't you? I will admit maybe I have a reason to feel a little unpleasant towards a certain group of Burnhamites, maybe you would even agree it is a good reason?

However maybe it's not just me. Listening to stories of other things that have happened down there it does make one think about the behaviour of what I will describe as the 'Burnham Establishment'. Others have described them as the 'Burnham Mafia' but lets go with the less controversial description.

Remember the person, who we both know, who was assaulted by the Burnham Establishment for not behaving as they told him to on that committee. They didn't like anyone standing-up for what was fair and right.

Now just to be clear, I am obviously only referring to a small sub-set of the total population of Burnham, clearly not intending to tar all with the same brush.

Remember the theft of the mooring chain, probably best described as conspiracy to defraud, involving a member of the Burnham Establishment and a local boatyard? Can't remember if you read that thread with the pictures of the mooring chain or not.

Or maybe you just choose to associate with the nice people, life is easier that way when we have a choice.:encouragement: Perhaps you're lucky and you haven't encountered the other side of Burnham behaviour yet.

I'd be interested in your opinion, why do you think Burnham Week is now merely a shadow of the Burnham Week's of twenty years ago?


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23 Oct 2012
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From the stories he was telling, he made it sound like there has been so much back-stabbing all the local residents are walking around with knives in their backs.

When reading this please replace ‘all the local residents’ with ‘half of the Burnham Establishment’.

It was only a turn of phrase which was not literally supposed to mean all the residents; ‘half of the Burnham Establishment’ might have been a better choice of words. Certainly not intended to upset the nice people who reside in Burnham, just referring to some of the not so nice people I happen to have encountered.

I would edit the original message but it seems the forum does not allow it to be changed.

So to any of the nice Burnhamites who were offended by my message, please accept my apologies. Please consider the message in the way in which it was intended rather than as it actually read.

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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I'm just wondering which part of your post you edited.
If a reply has already gone out as a thread notification to someone then that cannot be edited even if the entire post were to be deleted.
So you have to be careful what you type in anger because although you think you have deleted it you may have still sent it to a load of people


23 Feb 2002
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If Burnham does wind down as a sailing centre then it will be no surprise.

1. If it wasn't there you wouldn't build it - it's very narrow, has strong tides and you have to go a looooooong way out to go anywhere except back in again.
2. Other East Coast rivers have access problems but they're pretty rivers that you can cruise in e.g. The Deben or The Ore.
3. The two major yacht clubs have a stuffy and stuck up reputation, more afraid of loosing their name than of loosing sailors
4. It had a successful Burnham week and poor planning and lack of marketing and investment ruined it.

There are many better and (full) places to keep a sailing boat on the East Coast.



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19 Feb 2006
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When reading this please replace ‘all the local residents’ with ‘half of the Burnham Establishment’.

It was only a turn of phrase which was not literally supposed to mean all the residents; ‘half of the Burnham Establishment’ might have been a better choice of words. Certainly not intended to upset the nice people who reside in Burnham, just referring to some of the not so nice people I happen to have encountered.

I would edit the original message but it seems the forum does not allow it to be changed.

So to any of the nice Burnhamites who were offended by my message, please accept my apologies. Please consider the message in the way in which it was intended rather than as it actually read.


Thanks for the clarification Nick.

You had me wondering whether I'd need to wear my axe-proof armour if I nip out for a pint at the white Hart this evening.

Reassured now!
Having just purchased a boat and now on a swinging mooring in Burnham, I'm quite enjoying the area - although due to pressure of work and life haven't been there as often as I would have liked in the last 3 months (ain't that always the way). Most of my sailing has been South Coast way, from Solent to Dartmouth, with the occasional cross-channel foray and Mediterranean charter, I've had very little experience of the east coast delights.

I've been very impressed with the prompt replies and friendly service from RCYC and have bumped into a number of people who've offered helpful advice and 'welcome to the area'. Just starring to explore the surrounding waters and rivers, just completed a bash down to the South Coast, Honfleur and back and enjoying the navigational challenges of the area.

Maybe I've not been there long enough to pick up on the vibes / negativity referenced in replies above but so far so good...!

Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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It's great to hear the positive comments about RCYC it's obviously changed for the better since I knew it, I suspect a lot of places improve when I'm no longer there :D

However I think that geography and the death-by-ineptitude of Burnham Week will continue to advance the decline of BoC. Talk of its demise are way off the mark but the future doesn't look bright.


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12 Dec 2014
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Well I've just got home from three days racing during the Burnham week and we had a brilliant time. The racing was excellent, well organised with great courses and the hospitality and post race experience all that you could possibly ask for. It's only the second time I've done Burnham week so obviously can't comment on what might "once have been", however I find it hard to imagine it being much better than what I saw.