Rumpole of the Bailey only ever referred to his wife as She who must be obeyed - Rumpole almost certainly read Ryder Haggard at school (or John Mortimer did anyway)
<hr width=100% size=1>Do you think a Fleming 55 would look out of place on Windermere?
John Mortimer himself said that, in his barrister days, the distinction between himself and Rumpole wasn't always clear in his client's mind.
Having lost a case for one such customer, a professional Sarf London criminal, he went to see him in the cells afterwards, for a consolatory word, to be greeted with "your Mister Rumpole would have got me orf"
Having discovered that the British public enjoys all sorts of abbreviations, perhaps it is time someone wrote a book on them. SWMBO insists that I conclude with IMHO. To me it's all *****