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The following is a list of little used words, most are no longer in most dictionaries, but I'm sure some of you will find them useful when posting...........
Have fun and compliments of the season to all
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ANGLETWITCH - a worm used as bait in fishing
APOCRISIARY - a person appointed to give answers
ATRABILIOUS - an adjective meaning 'melancholy' or 'bad-tempered'
BABLATRICE - a female babbler
BATIE-BUMMIL - a useless bungler
CALAMISTRATE - a rare verb meaning 'to curl the hair'
CARRIWITCHET - a pun, a conundrum
CLAVUS - a pain in the forehead as though a nail were being driven into it
DEGLUTITION - the action of swallowing
DEIPNOSOPHIST - a master of the art of dining
ELAQUEATE - to free from a noose or other entanglement
ERGOPHOBIC - someone who fears work
ERINACEOUS - like a hedgehog
FAITOUR - a cheat
GAMMERSTANG - a tall, awkward woman
GONGOOZLER - a person who stares at activity on a canal
GRICER - a train-spotter
HODMANDOD - any strange person, a scarecrow
ICONOMACH - one who is hostile to images
JIFFLE - to fidget or shuffle
KENSPECKLE - a Scottish word meaning conspicuous, easily recognizable
LYSSOPHOBIA - a fear of rabies, so extreme that the sufferer actually
manifests symptoms of the disease
MAMMOTHREPT - a spoiled child
MELITURGY - Honey making or bee-keeping
OCHLOPHOBIA - extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to crowds
OCTOTHORPE - the telephone keypad symbol '#'
ONOLATRY - the worship of donkeys or asses
OSTROBOGULOUS - bizarre, unusual, or interesting
OTACUST - eavesdropper, spy
OXTER - armpit
PANDICULATION - the stretching of the body that often accompanies
PILGARLIC - a bald person
POLLINCTOR - a person who prepares a dead body for cremation or
POOKING-FORK - a tool used in haymaking
SIAGONOLOGY - the study of jawbones
SNOLLYGOSTER - a dishonest politician
TEMULENT - drunken
TROKE - to fail, to be unable to do something
WABBIT - exhausted
WINEBIBBER - a person who habitually drinks a lot of alcohol
Have fun and compliments of the season to all
Old Salt Oz............./forums/images/icons/cool.gif
ANGLETWITCH - a worm used as bait in fishing
APOCRISIARY - a person appointed to give answers
ATRABILIOUS - an adjective meaning 'melancholy' or 'bad-tempered'
BABLATRICE - a female babbler
BATIE-BUMMIL - a useless bungler
CALAMISTRATE - a rare verb meaning 'to curl the hair'
CARRIWITCHET - a pun, a conundrum
CLAVUS - a pain in the forehead as though a nail were being driven into it
DEGLUTITION - the action of swallowing
DEIPNOSOPHIST - a master of the art of dining
ELAQUEATE - to free from a noose or other entanglement
ERGOPHOBIC - someone who fears work
ERINACEOUS - like a hedgehog
FAITOUR - a cheat
GAMMERSTANG - a tall, awkward woman
GONGOOZLER - a person who stares at activity on a canal
GRICER - a train-spotter
HODMANDOD - any strange person, a scarecrow
ICONOMACH - one who is hostile to images
JIFFLE - to fidget or shuffle
KENSPECKLE - a Scottish word meaning conspicuous, easily recognizable
LYSSOPHOBIA - a fear of rabies, so extreme that the sufferer actually
manifests symptoms of the disease
MAMMOTHREPT - a spoiled child
MELITURGY - Honey making or bee-keeping
OCHLOPHOBIA - extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to crowds
OCTOTHORPE - the telephone keypad symbol '#'
ONOLATRY - the worship of donkeys or asses
OSTROBOGULOUS - bizarre, unusual, or interesting
OTACUST - eavesdropper, spy
OXTER - armpit
PANDICULATION - the stretching of the body that often accompanies
PILGARLIC - a bald person
POLLINCTOR - a person who prepares a dead body for cremation or
POOKING-FORK - a tool used in haymaking
SIAGONOLOGY - the study of jawbones
SNOLLYGOSTER - a dishonest politician
TEMULENT - drunken
TROKE - to fail, to be unable to do something
WABBIT - exhausted
WINEBIBBER - a person who habitually drinks a lot of alcohol