What a wimp....


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9 Apr 2002
North West England
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I must be!
I don't leave harbour if its blowing or forecast to blow F7 or above.
I only leave when it's blowing/forecast F6 if I really have to be somewhere else.
If its a beat then take 1 force off both the above !
Oh and just to prove I have Sh*te for brains I sail a 37' plastic fantastic.

On the other hand I do enjoy myself and still have friends who will come sailing with me and my family.
We can all can fit inside the boat and stay dry above and below decks.
The boat doesn't smell like the inside of a 10year old Westerly.

Perhaps if I get myself a Breton Cap, silver hair, steely blue eyes fixed dead ahead,and a pipe to grip between clenched teeth I can join all those in previous posts who jolly out in F8/9/10. No on second thoughts I can still remember F8 in Biscay, F8/9 in Cardigan Bay, F9 mid Atlantic and 60Knts+ this summer just south of Aberystwyth

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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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I've seen the photos and they are seriously scarey! But on the other hand, we had a cracking sail round from Dartmouth to Plymouth in quite lumpy seas in a F6ish!
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by jimi on 17/09/2003 22:44 (server time).</FONT></P>


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18 Jun 2003
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Differnt strokes / different folks as they say. It's not "wimpy" to not sail in an F6 + and it need not be follhardy to sail in a gale. The sea, windward or downwind, the fetch, the navigational hazards all come into play.

Why are so many on the forum off a mind to condemn those who DO sail in heavy weather? More interesting would surely be to find out what preparations they make, what safety factors they considers, the age and fitness of their crew. Then we all learn somehting.

Take singlehanding, for example. A few years ago I would only solo in <F3, now singlehanding accounts for 80 % of my sailing. Sailing in heavy weaher (to me F7 or higher) is still challenging but I have learned (and have been taught) how to mange it.

Solo, like sailing in a gale, is not for everyone, but there's a lot to be learned from pushing the enverlope. Much of the advice I have received on this forum and another has been invaluable. Try it - but don't just partiicipate in putting somebody down becuase it's not your cup of tea.

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7 Sep 2001
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Nothing wrong with your levels, you're not a wimp! We are out to enjoy ourselves, if you don't enjoy heavyish weather, then stay in port, and open another bottle of wine, I do! I admit I've had to go out in heavy weather and been caught out in it, especially on long passages, when you have no choice/harbour, but I don't enjoy it, but the boat and her crew can handle it.

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20 Nov 2001
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I agree on both points - heavy weather and single handing. Why go out in "heavy" weather if you don't have to? We sail to enjoy the experience, don't we? OK, if you get caught out, you need the boat, kit and experience to deal with it.

I simply don't see the point of putting my boat, my equipment and myself through tough times if I don't have to.

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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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I like that summary

>I simply don't see the point of putting my boat, my equipment and myself through tough times if I don't have to.<

When I was younger i used to do tougher things, at sea and ashore. Now, toughness just seems tedious.

BTW, where can I buy a pair of those nice tartan carpet slippers?

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Re: I like that summary

Part 1 Hear hear

Part 2 I sold that tee shirt at a jumble.

Re Slippers, Lymington Market, though tartan is a bit naff, I prefer their plain moccasins with a sole, about £8.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Freedom !!!

Sod off ..tertan is guid.. no oan slupperz tho' Its fur yer kilt tae gie yer gonads an 'airin' in yon F9. Ar yon Lymington shoon ony guid as deck shoes, ah loast mine crossin' ra sea o' tranquility.

Bet ye lift yer boatz oot in October an keep 'em oot until it warms up agin in may.. ye'd be better aff charterin' in the Med ye big wussie sissies.

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by jimi on 18/09/2003 11:41 (server time).</FONT></P>