With a bit more effort on your part, you could probably get quite good at this sort of stuff. And who knows, with a bit more expereience in a few years you might even be able to make money from it.
.you're hard to please.....I would have thought that was game, set and match!
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/protest1.wav>Be Afraid........be very afraid.</A>
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>
Link is to an audio 'wav' file which should download to your pc then open windows media player or quicktime and play it. You could alternatively right click on the link and save the file, then open windows Sound Recorder (in the accessories folder within Program then open the file and play it - bit of a drag tho compared with just clicking on the link.
BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery