Was 2024 a bad year for fouling in Suffolk and Essex


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14 Apr 2005
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Every year my 28ft yacht is lifted out of her Ipswich Marina home for her annual TLC. The few small patches of fouling where the second coat of Cruising Performer wasn't applied properly induce feelings of mild embarrassment. There may also be perhaps less than a quarter of a bucket-full of sea-squirts hang down towards the aft end of her hull.

Since being launched last September and lifted out at the end of August this year, her hull has become badly fouled. Also, for the FIRST TIME EVER in her eleven years of residence in Ipswich Marina, she'd acquired an infestation of small mussels. Her rudder always gets more than two coats of a/f paint because it's a handy surface to work the paint out of the roller before a tea-break. Much good it did this year because the side that sees most sunlight had a solid coating of them.

The sail-drive propeller was installed last September and, because it was new, it got a liberal coating of Hempel aluminium (?) anti-fouling spray paint along with the drive leg. (I used Hempel because Fox's didn't have any of the Tri-Lux I've always used satisfactorily.) I might as well have used Dulux house paint for all the good it did, and Tri-Lux may have been no better.

The point of this post is to ask if other people with boats moored in Ipswich Marina and other Suffolk/Essex places had a similar experience of excessive fouling this year.

Also, amongst the normal dark grey mussels were a few brown ones. I reported them to the government scientists and unfortunately my photographs were not good enough to identify them as the same as the invasive species that's been discovered near Southampton recently. More container ships from all round the world visit Felixstowe than Southampton, and if you find any brown mussels the government's scientists would like to know.



  • Fouling on rudder Aug 2024.jpeg
    Fouling on rudder Aug 2024.jpeg
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  • Fouling on rudder Aug 2024.jpeg
    Fouling on rudder Aug 2024.jpeg
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    Fouling Aug 2024 pic 3 smaller file - Copy.png
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Sailing steve

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4 Apr 2021
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I'm on a swinging mooring in the Twizzle.

I've tried a number of different antifouls over the last few years and found nothing that keeps my hull free of fouling for more than a few weeks after launching. Many other boats in the Backwaters seem to have exactly the same issue with rapid buildup of grey/brown slime and green weed that I do.

Contrast that with twenty or more years ago when any mid priced antifoul would keep your hull squeaky clean all season.


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16 May 2016
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Every year my 28ft yacht is lifted out of her Ipswich Marina home for her annual TLC. The few small patches of fouling where the second coat of Cruising Performer wasn't applied properly induce feelings of mild embarrassment. There may also be perhaps less than a quarter of a bucket-full of sea-squirts hang down towards the aft end of her hull.

Since being launched last September and lifted out at the end of August this year, her hull has become badly fouled. Also, for the FIRST TIME EVER in her eleven years of residence in Ipswich Marina, she'd acquired an infestation of small mussels. Her rudder always gets more than two coats of a/f paint because it's a handy surface to work the paint out of the roller before a tea-break. Much good it did this year because the side that sees most sunlight had a solid coating of them.

The sail-drive propeller was installed last September and, because it was new, it got a liberal coating of Hempel aluminium (?) anti-fouling spray paint along with the drive leg. (I used Hempel because Fox's didn't have any of the Tri-Lux I've always used satisfactorily.) I might as well have used Dulux house paint for all the good it did, and Tri-Lux may have been no better.

The point of this post is to ask if other people with boats moored in Ipswich Marina and other Suffolk/Essex places had a similar experience of excessive fouling this year.

Also, amongst the normal dark grey mussels were a few brown ones. I reported them to the government scientists and unfortunately my photographs were not good enough to identify them as the same as the invasive species that's been discovered near Southampton recently. More container ships from all round the world visit Felixstowe than Southampton, and if you find any brown mussels the government's scientists would like to know.

We did the antifoul in early April this year, we have a lot of fouling already, including mussels visible on the trim tabs. We'll need a lift and scrub before we use the boat next Spring, usually only lift every two years.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Launched late this year and already noticed a drop in performance so will scrub on some posts. Does seem worse than normal but I haven't used the boat as much this year either so that won't have helped.


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9 May 2009
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Just for balance, in the Medway I’ve scrubbed our boat 4 times this year since launch in April, last time was on Saturday.

I think you lot get off lightly in the Orwell!

Micron 350 worked well for 2 months.


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15 Apr 2018
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Fellow Twizzler, launched 02/08 after repairs. Slime after couple weeks, barnacles and green weed around lower outboard bracket and tilt trim unit very established after six weeks. Seems like growth forming more rapidly that when in Titchmarsh marina last season.


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14 Feb 2007
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Fairly average I would say, in Titchmarsh. We used to foul very quickly in Maylandsea creek and my theory was that the movement of silt-carrying water quickly coated the bottom and rendered the antifouling inoperative, and I think the still water in the marina is less problematic.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2002
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Deben based - last season we were badly fouled, particularly on props, shafts and rudders but we had been in for two seasons. This year, whilst speed has dropped off a bit, it is doesn’t appear to be anywhere near as bad as last year. In addition we haven’t had the ‘beard’ around the waterline that we had in previous years.

We applied Velox prop anti-foul to the stern gear this year but won’t know how good it has been until we next lift out.