
27 May 2002
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Re: Reasoning

a boxing ring to see which personality hits the canvas last

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Is'nt this the modus operandi of the House of Commons... oh I see what you mean?


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2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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I fully understand why "Lifeboats" blunt approach rubbed a few up the wrong way, though I guess his approach may also have been recieved by other's as more posative....(I know not and care less who he is) but guess there are people out there that know nothing and therefore every little helps....for those that know everything and there seem to be plenty of those around on this forum we just have to accept they are a lost caused. What angered me more than anything was the snide and childish remarks made by certain individuals towards this poster. At times myself I get fed up with the constant non boaty drivel that some of your forumites spew out on the Skuttlebutt pages but I accept that that is how people must get thier enjoyment so therefore not my place to whinge. As for a forum set up by a national boating magazine surely we should make every effort and encouragement to try and promote any safety aspect that those with little or no experiance can glean......believe you me it is not an easy task bringing home the body of a loved one....I have done it many times, anything that can help to stop this can only be applauded. After 40 years at sea I dont suffer fools glady, indeed that sea suffers them even less......so come on guys, buck up your idea's and try to treat those around in a way you would expect yourself.


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Most succinctly put sir......
Were those who were offended by Lifeboatman, physically forced to read his post ?? No.
I saw his post on the MoBo forum and made a reply in agreement with his posting and the thread was left there for some time. Is there a pointed reason why most of the angst and anger was vented on the Scuttlebut forum??
27 May 2002
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Re: Well at least MPs get paid to get abused...

Must be some more House of Commons analogies

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Mr. Speaker,

How about a new Mace icon? When honourable members wish to protest about an outrageous posting they could do an online Heseltine.