Warm Weather Brings Out The Idiots.


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6 Mar 2008
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Being an owner of various large and powerful bikes, ex light aircraft pilot and ex trials / motocross competition rider, I'm not exactly a stick in the mud when it comes to petrol powered high jinks.

However, cruising serenely up the river yesterday teatime, I was witness to several large, unregistered / unlicenced RIBS on the river.
All were full to the gunnel's with pissed up passengers and crew careering up and down the river at full throttle, doing 30 knots plus past moored up boats and kids in small inflatable tenders.

One worthy decided it was fun to do several high speed 360 degree turns right by a small Shetland type river cruiser that was nosed up on the bank, tipping one of his passengers into the water at the same time.

The poor Shetland crew happily picnicking on the bank could only watch horrified as their boat was pitched higher onto the beach by the wash.

Damage done and MOB picked up, they then careened their merry way back down river again, jeering at our sedate six knots as they went on their pissed up way.

I've been known to be a little free with the throttle at times when on a long, straight and empty stretch of river and frustrated with the speed limit, but fer chrissakes, to have the buying power to purchase one of these big ribs, the owners must have at least a little intelligence.

Another case proving that compulsory boat licencing will have no effect, as this lot on the river without BW licence or BSS Certificate prove.



New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Sounds about par for the course. Money does not equate to intelligence, any more than intelligence equates to money. In fact it can be an inverse relationship, the selfish idiots find it easy to cheat & deal their way to a "Loadsamoney" lifestyle - simply setting up another rip-of business when customers don't return. The more sensible ones are perhaps more likely to be honest & fair to their customers & not overcharge.


Well-known member
26 Feb 2007
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Extremely poor behaviour, why don't they get out to sea where there antics won't affect anyone, well not if carried out away from others, couldn't you take some pictures and post them on here?
Maybe someone from the EA or other authority may then get to see them ;-)


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20 Oct 2008
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Irresponsible p1llocks..... I have no probs with hooning around and going balistic, but there is a correct time and place. Go where you are not going to bother anyone... its a big enough Sea - tw&ts


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31 Aug 2002
Stratford upon Avon & S.Devon
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Irresponsible p1llocks..... I have no probs with hooning around and going balistic, but there is a correct time and place. Go where you are not going to bother anyone... its a big enough Sea - tw&ts

Afraid they were on the river here today as well.
Crew usually consists of 4 or 5 lads - very noisy - in hired dinghies, playing at "crashems" as against "dodgems", with their mates.

Standing up, jumping from one boat to another, falling in, turning directly in front of trip boats and thereby being T-boned. Towing their mates in rowing boats zig-zagging from one side of the river to t'other.

All this with river very busy with families in rowing boats, barges, launches, canoes and

Much worse than usual today - perhaps it was the heat to blame


New member
26 Feb 2007
Boat Location was Dover UK
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Extremely poor behaviour, why don't they get out to sea where there antics won't affect anyone, well not if carried out away from others, couldn't you take some pictures and post them on here?
Maybe someone from the EA or other authority may then get to see them ;-)


There is no fun for them out at sea - no-one to show off to.



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15 Oct 2007
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Heard a bloke Sunday spluttering on the Medway VTS channel that he'd just been buzzed in his dinghy by 3 jetskis and been swamped. Police launch not on duty sadly.


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
So it ain't just the yotties that get pee'd off with grossly inconsiderate behaviour after all. :rolleyes:

As already stated, speed & wash are not a problem in open water, but around rivers, harbours, anchorages, moorings & in other sheltered water where there are lots of low freeboard dinghies it is downright dangerous.

Sadly such people seldom notice the danger they cause - and even if they did, they wouldn't give a damn.


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14 Jun 2005
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Yesterday in the Solent - Totland Bay to be precise, we were circled at high speed several times by a boat which was taking pictures of us - clearly hoping that we would purchase at some point - seemed to be a semi pro outfit called something like "Boat Pics" - (I may not have the name exactly right.

So - having cause a substantial wash around us, causing me to change direction several times to nose into his wash, he gave me a thumbs up, as if he'd done me a favour and charged off.

I had hoped to see him later on perhaps back in Yarmouth wehre we could have discussed the finer points of photography - such as where best to insert his camera.....


Active member
21 Sep 2007
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So it ain't just the yotties that get pee'd off with grossly inconsiderate behaviour after all. :rolleyes:

Not at all, us mobos suffer just as much, inconsiderate behavious is a blight to all. Standing on my little foredeck putting out fenders and being "washed" by a blasted rib just offthe plane is pretty uncomfortable, I could almost believe they were deliberately trying to knock me off.

Of course they denied it back at the marina when I confronted them. They even denied that they were causing any excessive wash :mad:

Very tempting to stroll along the side of their rib whilst holding a sharp knife but I'm not like that. :rolleyes:


New member
6 Mar 2008
Under a cloud - its just started raining
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Not at all, us mobos suffer just as much, inconsiderate behavious is a blight to all. Standing on my little foredeck putting out fenders and being "washed" by a blasted rib just offthe plane is pretty uncomfortable, I could almost believe they were deliberately trying to knock me off.

Of course they denied it back at the marina when I confronted them. They even denied that they were causing any excessive wash :mad:

Very tempting to stroll along the side of their rib whilst holding a sharp knife but I'm not like that. :rolleyes:

Bet the common denominator between all these incidents are the crew and passengers: Bald / shaven headed forty somethings with a big gut, bigger mouth and a can of Carling Black Label in their sweaty paw.
The type you see on a foreign beach wearing union flag shorts and a "this is not a beer gut, this is a fuel tank for a sex machine" T shirt.

Certainly the case in York last weekend anyway.

Ang on a mo, I think I described meself :(


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10 Sep 2003
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Same old same old.

We were passed by a right throbber in Southampton Water who thought it was cool to go by at 25+ knots no more than 20 feet off our beam (so a closing speed of 45-50 knots). I'd have taken avoiding action but that would have involved me ramming side of the the Isle of Wight ferry. I wouldn't mind, but the c0ck in question was helming a 40-50 foot Fairline Phantom (or maybe it was a Princess, I was too concerned with getting the bows into his wash to read the name).


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Same old same old.

We were passed by a right throbber in Southampton Water who thought it was cool to go by at 25+ knots no more than 20 feet off our beam (so a closing speed of 45-50 knots). I'd have taken avoiding action but that would have involved me ramming side of the the Isle of Wight ferry. I wouldn't mind, but the c0ck in question was helming a 40-50 foot Fairline Phantom (or maybe it was a Princess, I was too concerned with getting the bows into his wash to read the name).

Forgive me if I misinterpret what you have written, but, to me, that implies you were also doing 20-25kts very close to the Ferry. Is that correct and was it a narrow channel so that you all needed to be close? If so, I have to say that it looks to me like the two of you were being a little over exhuberant. It starts to sound rather like kids racing through a town centre in hot hatchbacks. :rolleyes:

Is it possible that he didn't see you there because you were both so close to the ferry that you were hidden from each other behind it as you approached from opposite directions? If so, then you were as daft as each other - there may be a similar post about you on another forum somewhere.:D

Of course I wasn't there, but your post raises more questions than I would care to try & answer.:confused:


New member
10 Sep 2003
In front of the bloody computer again
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Forgive me if I misinterpret what you have written, but, to me, that implies you were also doing 20-25kts very close to the Ferry. Is that correct and was it a narrow channel so that you all needed to be close? If so, I have to say that it looks to me like the two of you were being a little over exhuberant. It starts to sound rather like kids racing through a town centre in hot hatchbacks. :rolleyes:

Is it possible that he didn't see you there because you were both so close to the ferry that you were hidden from each other behind it as you approached from opposite directions? If so, then you were as daft as each other - there may be a similar post about you on another forum somewhere.:D

Of course I wasn't there, but your post raises more questions than I would care to try & answer.:confused:

Fair point. We were heading up Southampton Water overtaking the inbound ferry on his starboard side, giving him as much sea room as we could (we were halfway between the ferry and a freighter that was anchored off Netley) and this clown decided to pass the ferry starboard to starboard, coming between us and the ferry. He decided that he would give the ferry as wide a berth as possible, coming within 20 feet or so of us. We passed (correctly, just) starboard to starboard. I was incorrect earlier - my escape route would have sent me towards the anchored vessel, not the ferry, and put me broadside on to the wash. From the ferry's perspective, he approached at speed on the wrong side of the channel, and passed to the wrong side of the ferry turning very late.


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Same old same old.

We were passed by a right throbber in Southampton Water who thought it was cool to go by at 25+ knots no more than 20 feet off our beam (so a closing speed of 45-50 knots). I'd have taken avoiding action but that would have involved me ramming side of the the Isle of Wight ferry. I wouldn't mind, but the c0ck in question was helming a 40-50 foot Fairline Phantom (or maybe it was a Princess, I was too concerned with getting the bows into his wash to read the name).

Some of the Raggies have some front dont they !

You obviously pi 55ed one off last week so he arranged a seatrial of a Squadron in order to wreak revenge , whats Ian been looking at ;)