No it's not possible unless it is a very very expensive and chic bottle of wine. If it is Piat D'or or summink like that then you had better stay in the crew quarters and not speak to any of the posh people.
Mike21 - just a friendly warning. I notice you are using smileys from Smiley Central - be aware as this is a nasty spyware site and your PC is probably sending your preferences and info all over the web.
According to that link, mywebsearch is adware or spyware, they state they're not and carry a spyware safe logo, I run both spyblaster and ad-aware , neither of which pickup any problems on my computer.
Unfortunately they lie! Many Adware producers also download spyware detection programs and and know how to avoid detection.
Here's the section from their 'privacy policy' that you've agreed to that decribes how they use your info to direct ads to you, that is adware or spyware:
'Each time a visitor comes to the Results Site, we collect some information to improve the overall quality of the online experience, including product monitoring, product improvement, and targeted advertising. At the Results Site, we collect the visitor's domain name (e.g. whether the user is logged on from or, referral data (e.g., we record the address of the last URL a user visited prior to clicking through to the Results Site), and browser and platform type (e.g., whether the visitor is using the My Web Search Browser, a Netscape browser on a Macintosh platform). '
Try googling 'smiley central spyware' or google for a program called 'hijackthis' which will show you how your cpu is gradually taken over by SC code and broadcast through your browser to avoid being picked up by your firewall.
It's up to you, but if they're just nice folks offering a free service, I wonder how they make any money. . . . /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
<hr width=100% size=1><< Sig removed at request from Kim Hollamby - he thought it might scare forumites! >>
No, i'm not at all sure it is. I hear that bottles of wine are huge items requiring vast investments and only affordable by very very few people. Um... but thinking about it though, is it one of those sensible UK-made fluybridge-style bottles of wine with an actual OB rating of zero before some tried to change the system? I wd've thought that will be no problam at all.