Very boaty and very stupid !!!


Well-known member
2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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Very boaty and very stupid !!!

Just heard this on Radio Cornwall!!!! It was emailed in from the US of A and concerns one of our more stupid American cousins!!!!
In the Western United States (this was on local radio and I was driving at the time so it is not verbatum) in the high desert on one of the big lakes, a guy had just bought a brand new 22 foot power boat and launched it.
Turned the key, engine sounded sweet as a nut and off he went. He powered her up and she was sluggish as hell even at full throttle and couldn't even get on the plane. So he did his basic checks...trim...fuel etc etc and could find nothing amiss. So at very high revs and very low speed he limped back to the nearest marina. The marina staff also did extensive checks topsides and could find nothing wrong either, so they sent a diver down to check propulsion unit, leg-trim operation etc.
Up came the diver, choking on water as he could not stop himself from laughing......
"Did you find any problem?" the owner asked..... and the diver....still killing himself laughing, said "Not a huge problem's just that you still have your launching trailer strapped to the bottom of the boat!!!!"


Well-known member
2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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Re: Very boaty and very stupid !!!

For Arthur and Dave_sNelson.
Yes I take your point Dave_SNelson and quote you,
"It just so happens that this particular story has indeed done the rounds - and on here a couple of years ago! Nonetheless, it was and is still hilarious! "

That is a cracking way to inform a newbie that unknowingly they have dragged an oldie out of the closet, but it is still good for a laugh second time round and as such is not a deterant to posting again without fear of a rebuff. Reading recent threads here regarding lots of people reading and few contributing leads me to believe that 'newbies' need encouraging all the more.

It is not usually my way to fire from the hip and beleive me when I say I am normally quite thick skinned....but in light of the fact that Arthur is an 'old hand' on here then surely just reading my stats would tell I'm a 'newbie' and as such didn't see the tale first time round and didn't merit a 'seemingly' patronising and textless header.
Mobo and Scuttlebut are brilliant forums which I have read on a daily basis from day one and one would have to go a long long way to equal the free advice, help, information and enjoyment that is posted here.
So, in the spirit of the forum, I offer an apology to Arthur for gettin' the 'ump and jumpin' on me high horse.


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Very boaty and very stupid !!!

Now lets look positively at the opportunities -

guys towing new boat on trailer misses last ferry as he didn't allow enough time on the minor roads approaching the ferry (west coast of Scotland) - handly blinking he reverses the craft into the water, unhitches the trailer but ties off the strap to a handy cleat, parks up the car, returns to boat and heads off across the strait. Halfway over he rings the wife to meet him at the slip, connnect up to her car and drives off home.........