VAT payment in Cyprus


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15 Jan 2025
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I have bought a Yacht in EU waters and which is Not EU Vat paid. I am needing to get it EU VAT paid in order to keep it in Greece for a long period of time.

Does anybody have any experience of paying the VAT through Cyprus or malta, just curious if people first hand experiences.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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The expectation is that you pay VAT in the first EU state that you enter or the state where the boat will be used. If you are non EU resident you can keep your boat effectively indefinitely in the EU by making use of the Temporary Admission rules. Greece is particularly good for this as they seem only to count the time the boat is in use towards the 18 months allowed before the boat has to leave EU waters and re-enter to start another 18 months. If you are EU resident of course you cannot do this.