Vaccine ... every one or no one


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20 Mar 2002
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don't you guys think when the time comes that the risk are lower no one going to be looking for any prove , just like no one ask if you had the jab for flu , or yellow fever
I think that’s exactly how it will be. Once the vaccine starts lowering the number of people with symptomatic Covid, it will limit the number of tests sought by the symptomatic ones and all their contacts. So although the real number of cases will remain high the number of positive tests will drop through the floor and other countries will open up to us more - but probably with a requirement for a negative test for a long time to come.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Australia and New Zealand are both (I think) Covid free. The only people with Covid are in hotel quarantine and are all from overseas a including bunch of professional tennis players and their entourage. My guess is we have have the odd outbreak but currently life has returned to 'sort of' normal

We seem to be looking at the opening of our border - next year. We are accepting the idea we need to live in our home country. We don't want lockdowns we-ed rather live in splendid isolation - so until your governments get your houses in order we will not enjoy your company and we will not visit you - because we will be constrained at our own expense when we come back.

We are planning the next 12 months on this basis.

But boat shows are back on the agenda - we will see how that pans out.



Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Australia and New Zealand are both (I think) Covid free. The only people with Covid are in hotel quarantine and are all from overseas a including bunch of professional tennis players and their entourage. My guess is we have have the odd outbreak but currently life has returned to 'sort of' normal

We seem to be looking at the opening of our border - next year. We are accepting the idea we need to live in our home country. We don't want lockdowns we-ed rather live in splendid isolation - so until your governments get your houses in order we will not enjoy your company and we will not visit you - because we will be constrained at our own expense when we come back.

We are planning the next 12 months on this basis.

But boat shows are back on the agenda - we will see how that pans out.


This should, arguably, be the current situation in the UK too. Or (perhaps over-optimistically) throughout the old 2020 EU as a bloc. Sometime it feels like, as a country and under the current government, we actually want to hurt ourselves. Surely both common sense and Australia/New Zealand show that short sharp lockdowns and geographical isolation are the only solution to stamp out the virus, not this torturous, life limiting, life destroying 'solution' that we have here.

My only hope is that when there is invariably another new virus in the future, greedy, selfish first world countries remember the mistakes of the past...


Well-known member
6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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Australia and New Zealand are both (I think) Covid free. The only people with Covid are in hotel quarantine and are all from overseas a including bunch of professional tennis players and their entourage. My guess is we have have the odd outbreak but currently life has returned to 'sort of' normal

We seem to be looking at the opening of our border - next year. We are accepting the idea we need to live in our home country. We don't want lockdowns we-ed rather live in splendid isolation - so until your governments get your houses in order we will not enjoy your company and we will not visit you - because we will be constrained at our own expense when we come back.

We are planning the next 12 months on this basis.

But boat shows are back on the agenda - we will see how that pans out.

I have a cousin in NZ, he says that the country is Covid free, and that everyone has to use an app on their phone to register whenever they enter or leave a building, that is the only restriction to moving around the country he has, he turned 80 recently and is still fit active and running a car repair shop.


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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I have a cousin in NZ, he says that the country is Covid free, and that everyone has to use an app on their phone to register whenever they enter or leave a building, that is the only restriction to moving around the country he has, he turned 80 recently and is still fit active and running a car repair shop.
I have a whole family there. They all got together to celebrate my mother's 85th birthday at a restaurant last week. Around 20 people, aged 6 to 86, mixing together, no masks or other restrictions. Zero-Covid is achievable. The UK government could have done the same as the NZ government but lacked the competence.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Don't be quite so harsh on your government(s). If we go overseas its a major event (I exaggerate) if you go overseas its a short train/plane/boat trip - you can do it for the day. For you overseas is part of everyday life for us its exotic. Door to door - Hong Kong is 12 hours away, the UK is 36 hours.

Our Island is big enough we have a tropical north and Tasmania is like Scotland - we have plenty of variety. We keep our yachts locally (on the island) not many of us have overseas holiday homes........many of us do have close relatives overseas and overseas celebrations, births and weddings have not had the pleasure of our company.

Australia is a bit like the good old days - you left, waving tearfully from the deck - knowing you might never return (we have had this latter thrust on us). Modern communication tools have softened the pain of absence (but its not quite the same).

Now imagine taking that away from the UK and imagine trying to impose it on all of Europe. We acquiesced without much argument - and now that we find it worked - its a good thing we did not march down the streets against the idea (which would probably have happened if we had known it was going to last through all of 2021 - and maybe longer).

Hindsight is great

News of the efficacy of vaccines does not fill us with much optimism.

When they roll out the vaccine it will be relatively easy to immunise everyone, our pop-up covid test clinics have been a resounding success. The big issue is not US but YOU, or THEM. IF the vaccines do what they are meant to do - we should be all immunised by, say mid year - outside Oz.....???

An interesting side effect - apparently home savings have increased quite dramatically - we have had nothing to spend our money on! - no dinner in restaurants, no quick trip up north, no overseas trips, lots of lockdowns......



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4 Jan 2004
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An interesting side effect - apparently home savings have increased quite dramatically - we have had nothing to spend our money on! - no dinner in restaurants, no quick trip up north, no overseas trips, lots of lockdowns......


Same side effect here. But I haven't had to pay for my Boat mooring or Insurance yet!!:(


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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I do think as the days pass by that the idea we have got a handle on what is needed is a bit premature. There are already delays world wide in the vaccine roll out. Where the vaccine has been rolled out there are no questions being raised about efficacy, might you still carry Covid, will Covid mutate to a point there current vaccines are worthless etc.

The idea that next year will return to normal seems a romantic notion (and maybe one to hang on to) but plan for something very different.

Next year budget airlines might not exist, so consider huge increases in the cost of travel, think in terms of 15 days home quarantine when you return - if you have a yacht on the Med - maybe think of bringing it back (if you want to sail).



Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I do think as the days pass by that the idea we have got a handle on what is needed is a bit premature. There are already delays world wide in the vaccine roll out. Where the vaccine has been rolled out there are no questions being raised about efficacy, might you still carry Covid, will Covid mutate to a point there current vaccines are worthless etc.

The idea that next year will return to normal seems a romantic notion (and maybe one to hang on to) but plan for something very different.

Next year budget airlines might not exist, so consider huge increases in the cost of travel, think in terms of 15 days home quarantine when you return - if you have a yacht on the Med - maybe think of bringing it back (if you want to sail).


Interesting thoughts - who knows.

I think once covid is understood and mass vaccination has been completed and it no longer threatens to overwhelm medical facilities it will be relegated to the same status as flu.

Each autumn the vulnerable will be offered free vaccination 'tuned' to the latest variant.

Yes - concern for the general public was part of it, but the main concern was this new virus would destroy the health services, which currently it appears to be doing ‼

Once covid is manageable, quarantine will go but you may need proof of vaccination and a cheap lateral test before you travel.

I am certain that post covid, budget airlines will still exist or new ones will appear to meet a very lucrative marked. After all, all of the hardware (aircraft) and expertise (aircrew) still exit and people will still want holidays in the sun.

My boat is in Portugal and as a resident, why would I want to take my boat back to the UK?

Time will tell.
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Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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think in terms of 15 days home quarantine when you return - if you have a yacht on the Med - maybe think of bringing it back (if you want to sail).

I can put up with quarantine at home but news today again says gov. are considering quarantine in hotels at passenger's cost. Add that to flights via another country (none direct at the moment) plus covid tests @ €100 each and it's maybe better to stay put and try to get vaccinated locally.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I can put up with quarantine at home but news today again says gov. are considering quarantine in hotels at passenger's cost. Add that to flights via another country (none direct at the moment) plus covid tests @ €100 each and it's maybe better to stay put and try to get vaccinated locally.

Agree, wonder how long before we get vaccinated locally.

Yes an optimist by nature but I anticipate, we will be able to return to the UK by mid summer, with minimal complications and we have already been invited to get vaccinated at the local vaccination centre when convenient.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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I can put up with quarantine at home but news today again says gov. are considering quarantine in hotels at passenger's cost. Add that to flights via another country (none direct at the moment) plus covid tests @ €100 each and it's maybe better to stay put and try to get vaccinated locally.

Here, currently, the cost for hotel quarantine, 15 days, is A$3,000. But if they open our borders there would simply not be the space to accept everyone into hotel quarantine and they wold need to allow home quarantine. Current arrivals are capped - at very low numbers. Because the numbers of arrivals are capped planes are arriving almost empty - the cost of economy tickets UK to Oz are around A$6,000/8,000 per seat (that's one way) - if you can find a vacancy.

You pay for Covid tests? bizarre - surely the idea is to encourage people to be tested. We have 3 drive in pop up clinics locally for tests, results usually the same day sent by SMS. All free. Authorities implore us to be tested. When we had a nearby outbreak total of around 130 people infected we have had 3 tests. Maybe there is a need where you are for some sort of national health service :). When they roll out the vaccine it will also be free (the flu vaccine is also free).



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2 Apr 2005
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You pay for Covid tests? bizarre - surely the idea is to encourage people to be tested. We have 3 drive in pop up clinics locally for tests, results usually the same day sent by SMS. All free. Authorities implore us to be tested. When we had a nearby outbreak total of around 130 people infected we have had 3 tests. Maybe there is a need where you are for some sort of national health service :). When they roll out the vaccine it will also be free (the flu vaccine is also free).

Testing is free in England but it's not supposed to be used for travel. For travelling to England you now need a test before departure and the country you are flying from is not likely to give you a free test with a test certificate.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Testing is free in England but it's not supposed to be used for travel. For travelling to England you now need a test before departure and the country you are flying from is not likely to give you a free test with a test certificate.

I misunderstood Post 30. I though the 100 Euros was for the costs in the UK :)

Because we have no international travel there is no need for certification of a Covid test. Our borders are closed and leaving Austraiia is only exceptionally approved - our Daughter in Law's father died, she was not given permission to visit him before he died nor allowed to attend the funeral. There are, apparently, around 36,000 Australians overseas many of who are desperate to come home, there are few seats and its expensive. The lucky ones have a Covid test on arrival, 15 days hotel quarantine. (they pay the A$3,000 for the 15 days) they have a covid test toward the end of the 15 days and another test a few days after release. All the testing is free - and as far as I can make out, for anyone in Australia. When we had our first Covid test I'd forgotten my Oz Medicare card - did not matter. But you don't get a certificate just an SMS message which simply says 'negative' (or presumably 'positive'). For vaccinations we don't have a certificate, it has never been necessary, and it might change, but it would be recorded in your own personal medical records.



Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Testing is free in England but it's not supposed to be used for travel. For travelling to England you now need a test before departure and the country you are flying from is not likely to give you a free test with a test certificate.

Yes, here in Portugal I'm told test cost varies from €100 - €125 and for travel has to be done at an authorised centre and certificate has to quote test data, SMS yes/no result not acceptable. Whereas we're not far down the list for UK vaccinations, it's likely to be several months before we would qualify here.

We're in lockdown now and would be in UK, just less boring at home where I have my workshop/man cave in which to play. Boatyard closed for lifts and with sailing most likely going to be restricted again this year don't see much point in hauling for annual maintenance at the moment. Checked the boat last week and it's OK on the mooring, we're just sitting it out in apartment now, never used to think I would look forward to going food shopping:) Compared to many, our problems are few.