V8 Wouldn't Start Again - but thank God !!


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18 Aug 2001
North Lincolnshire
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V8 Wouldn\'t Start Again - but thank God !!

Many may remember me posting a few weeks ago regarding the inability to start my 5.7 V8 in the Rinker on a cold damp day, with the main culprit likely being drained batteries and/or problems on the HT side.

After charging the batts and leaving a heater on in the engine bay, it started, and did so the next couple of times I went to the boat. Problem solved I thought....

Then came last Sunday morning, a lovely bright day, I got there early, but the damn thing wouldn't start again.

Single handed, it was difficult to do enfine checks whilst cranking, but after removing the air filter, following numerous abortive attempts, the lack of a strong petrol smell did suggest the problem may be more fuel related.

I was always a bit wary of the mods I'd had to do to the fuel line to fit the obligatory easy to reach fuel shut off valve to meet the BSS needs, adding a meter or more of length to the supply line, and a swan neck type loop to bring the valve up the an accessible position. Pulling the inlet hose off the engine fuel filter revealed a dry line, so I ripped it all out and returned it to the way Rinker built it and satisfied the US Coastguards.

I had much confidence it would now start, but no.

I tried to unscrew the cartridge type fuel filter, but couldn't and had no special tool with me, so I felt about to see if I could disconnect a line on the discharge side of the pump to check flow and.......!!

A heavilly corroded fuel line linking the filter to the pump broke away in my hand!!

Good job it was the suction side of the pump, so the effect was just to draw air in, so no fuel getting through. If it had been the discharge side ??? !!! Boom !!!

The discharge line was also heavilly corroded, but not leaking, so neadless to say, I replaced both lines with new. (and the engine started first crank!)

So who was a very lucky boy then /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Makes you wonder though, so much for the BSS examination only 2 months ago, they don't check solid fuel lines on the engine it seems. So much for the vendors Essex Boatyards, I'm sure that the fuel line couldn't have become so corroded since I bought it this August. So much for the Mercruiser Approved service engineer that servived it a couple of months ago - he didn't spot it. So much for my own concerns of having a big gas guzzler under my feet - despite my engineering expertise I didn't bother to think to check the condition of the fixed engine fuel lines when I modified the flexible supply to the engine.

Just grateful it wouldn't start.....!!!


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10 Sep 2002
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Re: V8 Wouldn\'t Start Again - but thank God !!

Phew? whens the diesel conversion then?

Its people that make petrol engines dangerous and its inexcusable that you can't trust the so-called professionals. We all have a tale to tell about shoddy or overcharged workmanship (as you know I could write a book on my experiences this year alone) but this is a different league especially after the money you have spent getting things checked and certified.

Boatings great, its the people who work in it that spoil things

Have a great Christmas see you in the new year.




Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
That makes two of us Martyn..

If it had been the discharge side ??? !!! Boom !!! <font color="red"> </font>

Remember a year and a half ago my Windy, that I had just bought and had surveyed, had a corroded petrol tank. Out on a rough day the tank split underneath tipping 30 gallons of unleaded into the bilge. I didn't find this out until I had returned to the harbour - having driven it 3 miles to get there. Funnily enough it didn't go boom! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Glad to see all (including yourself!) is OK. The fact is that you never really get to understand and know your boat until you have owned it some time. That includes shooting all these types (and many more minor types) of problems.

Cheers and best wishes for Christmas - Dave.


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Re: V8 Wouldn\'t Start Again - but thank God !!

Cant these various organisations be liable for charging under false pretences or even fraud, cause they obviously didnt do their job.

Glad that you solved the problem without tragic consequences.


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29 Aug 2002
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Re: V8 Wouldn\'t Start Again - but thank God !!

Hi Martyn,

The solid line on the "wrong" side of one of our engines went three years ago and pumped a whole load of petrol into the bilge with the other engine running. Happily I'm still here to tell the tale (the LPG detector went mental instantly) but got them all replaced - talking to the engineer who did it its not uncommon for them to get damaged during installation since they're in a pretty vulnerable place.

all the best for the new year,


Active member
18 Aug 2001
North Lincolnshire
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Re: That makes two of us Martyn..

Thanks for Dave's and all other replies and well wishes.

Gosh is it really 18 months ago your incident? !! How time flies.

(I almost posted with the title, 'nearly another Snelson' !

Cheers and Merry Christmas to all.