Unlimited Greek Transit Log British Flag VAT paid


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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I uploaded an initial version to my website here.

I'll have a look at the Word document later as I'm going to go out for some exercise and then need to collect some items. All the relevant parts of the PDF are editable and you can just type in your own details, dates etc. The Word document would probably be an image of the document and you'd need to add text boxes to allow data entry. It's much easier with the PDF. I should be able to convert the document to text instead of an image but the layout may change due to Greek fonts etc.

Have a look at the PDF first.
This thread shows a summary for you of the process and documents needed to get your Unlimited Transit Log.

There is still some confusion with Port Police and even more Confusion back in AADE Head office, but it is heading in the right way, in that various Customs Offices have agreed. - Note that you go to Customs NOT Port Police. Not all ports have customs, and some are summer only operations.

To Assist you in your Application - which in some cases may be done by your Boatyard/Marina, we set out the Documents that are REQUIRED for the application of the Unlimited Transit Log. It seems that copies of documents ARE acceptable. Your yard will ask you to complete a form instructing them as agents for this application - they will normally have their own standard form.

  1. Copy of the Registration
  2. Copy of owner’s passport
  3. Declaration that the boat was in Greece before 31/12/2020. ( Done by your yard - They will be used to such a document as they prepare this every year for other 3rd Country yachts and in relation to the E-TEPAI)
  4. Purchase invoice for the Vat payment proof - or Customs document for imported yachts. Note: Yachts built before 1985 should provide what evidence they have - bill of sale showing the date etc or other contemporaneous evidence.
  5. Affirmation (please find as attached one word Document to complete and translation on the PDF document to help complete the form, see yellow comments) Note that owners with Pre Vat yachts should make a statement here to affirm their exempted status.
Note for EU27 Vat paid yachts. I suggest you do all of the above documents - though legally you may not have to - it just ensures that nothing is missing if customs have a different view.

Cost: A Transit Log costs €30. Your Boatyard or agent will charge a fee for their time as there is quite a lot of effort on their part.

Purpose of early application: As there are some 4,000 uk yachts in Greece, if we all turn up on June 1st to get our Transit log we will overwhelm the system.

Possible Hitches to early Issue: They may not issue the log until you present a paid E-TEPAI to them - either they may want the current month paid for or some future months - it will vary. Ask them to keep the TL until you show them your receipt. This may not work! In which cae - form an orderly queue! Most importantly check that the VALID To box has the word Unlimited (in Greek ) written in it. If it has a date you MUST reject it.

Current Situation: The correct legal instruction to the Port Customs are not available to us at this point, and we are guided at the moment by the actions of local Port Customs. It is not yet universal. Further contact with AADE on Monday may elicit further Information.

I cannot stress how important it is to make sure you get the ULT and Not the 18 Month one. This will be an Important document for you in the long term.

Leaving Greek Waters and Returning: Leros customs have corrected an earlier statement they made on leaving and entering Greek Waters. Initially they said that you would hand in the UTL and on return you would get an 18 month one. They quickly followed this up with this: You should keep the UTL on your yacht at all time and it is to be kept when you leave Greek waters and represented to Customs when you come back (within 3 years - I presume) Treatment on Long Term absences from EU waters is not clear as yet.

I will update this page as new information comes in. I might get it placed as a stick.

Avoid adding new items to the old thread please.

Thanks to Wendy Effer, Lachlan Calender and Irene of Moor and Dock, Leros.

Mistroma - I have a word doc version and an annotated PDF - pm email address if you want it fro your website. You are feer to sue the above information on other sites and facebook sites.


Active member
19 Jan 2007
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I uploaded an initial version to my website here.

I'll have a look at the Word document later as I'm going to go out for some exercise and then need to collect some items. All the relevant parts of the PDF are editable and you can just type in your own details, dates etc. The Word document would probably be an image of the document and you'd need to add text boxes to allow data entry. It's much easier with the PDF. I should be able to convert the document to text instead of an image but the layout may change due to Greek fonts etc.

Have a look at the PDF first.
Many thanks, for some reason this PDF version worked perfectly and am able to overtype. Couldn't on the other one. Thanks again.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Many thanks, for some reason this PDF version worked perfectly and am able to overtype. Couldn't on the other one. Thanks again.

I'm just going out again and assume you don't need conversion to a Word document now. I'm not certain which other PDF you are talking about, I thought I'd only linked to one.

I simply took the PDF in the link Wwalsh provided in #10 and modified that PDF. The original document was just a normal PDF, suitable for viewing and printing. I added editable fields with tooltips and some explanatory text to get the document you have downloaded. I hope it is of some use. I might add some English translation of the Greek text and make it viewable on screen but not appear on any printed copies.


Active member
19 Jan 2007
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I'm just going out again and assume you don't need conversion to a Word document now. I'm not certain which other PDF you are talking about, I thought I'd only linked to one.

I simply took the PDF in the link Wwalsh provided in #10 and modified that PDF. The original document was just a normal PDF, suitable for viewing and printing. I added editable fields with tooltips and some explanatory text to get the document you have downloaded. I hope it is of some use. I might add some English translation of the Greek text and make it viewable on screen but not appear on any printed copies.
No, the Word Doc isn't needed now.
As for the PDF working, gawd knows. Probably something I did!!!


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25 Sep 2018
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I've read all the above but may have missed it, if so apologies.

Is there a deadline for receiving an Unlimited Transit Log? Stuck in the UK currently but hopeful of trip out before end of June. Some of the above suggests a deadline of 30/6 - is that correct?

Does anyone in the Ionian area know if Cleopatra marina (Preveza) or other agents are able to get my UTL for me if I cannot travel out. Alternatively does this fall under the UK reason to travel of fulfilling legal obligations?

Many thanks.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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I've read all the above but may have missed it, if so apologies.

Is there a deadline for receiving an Unlimited Transit Log? Stuck in the UK currently but hopeful of trip out before end of June. Some of the above suggests a deadline of 30/6 - is that correct?

Does anyone in the Ionian area know if Cleopatra marina (Preveza) or other agents are able to get my UTL for me if I cannot travel out. Alternatively does this fall under the UK reason to travel of fulfilling legal obligations?

Many thanks.
If you are not there dont bother to get one . As soon as we know more - keep an eye on the CA news page,


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Has many know I happy to stick my neck out and get it chopped where other rather moan in private so I write this posting ready for a Backlash by some here.

I'm not a CA member so if be very unfair for me to comment on their current fight with Greece regarding transit log.

But if I was I be more concern why they didn't put up more of a fight over the cruising tax or at less the increase of the cruising tax for boats over 12 mts which effects many more of their member then the Transit log especially as they have non British members as well has British or so I understand.

The TL only effect British boat and in reality only a small amount of boats who have no interest in leaving Greece plus it's not much of a problem to sail out for 24hours ever 18months especially now when many are going to have to leave to abide to the 90/180 rules any way.

So personally My concern as a Cruiser is if this is going to put the official be it the PP or Custom back up and make it more difficult for British boats .

Just for the record this as nothing to do with Chris Robb who I have a lot of respect for keeping everyone inform what's going on , but I do feel that the CA could be causing more problems for British flag boat in coming months and years as far as Greece goes.
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28 Jan 2005
Winter in Kent, rest of the year on board
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I'm not a CA member so if be very unfair for me to comment on their current fight with Greece regarding transit log.
Agreed 100%

But if I was I be more concern why they didn't put up more of a fight over the cruising tax or at less the increase of the cruising tax for boats over 12 mts which effects many more of their member then the Transit log especially as they have non British members as well has British or so I understand.

The TL only effect British boat and in reality only a small amount of boats who have no interest in leaving Greece plus it's not much of a problem to sail out for 24hours ever 18months especially now when many are going to have to leave to abide to the 90/180 rules any way.

So personally My concern as a Cruiser is if this is going to put the official be it the PP or Custom back up and make it more difficult for British boats .
See above

Just for the record this as nothing to do with Chris Robb who I have a lot of respect for keeping everyone inform what's going on
Astonishing that he continues to provide these forums f.o.c. with some of the benefits of CA membership

I do feel that the CA could be causing more problems for British flag boat in coming months and years as far as Greece goes
In which case join the CA and have your voice heard

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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Agreed 100%

See above

Astonishing that he continues to provide these forums f.o.c. with some of the benefits of CA membership

In which case join the CA and have your voice heard
Why ?
From talking to my German and Austrian friends they said the German sailing association biggest problem dealing with Greek authority ,was the fact ,that when discussing matters the Authorities say the CA are helping them draw up these new demands .

So the CA talks and causes problems for lots of sailors in the area whether members or not. And without authorization of its non members.

Count the number of boats that are not members of the CA and ask yourself why the CA assume that they should make the policy.

And from what it's worth, I have no problems with Chris Robb ,who comes over as a very decent person
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Agreed 100

Astonishing that he continues to provide these forums f.o.c. with some of the benefits of CA membership
you may think this forum is the only place info on Greece is coming from and if so your very much mistaken.
Many of the other cruising site have the same info you can find here and not all coming from the CA as it happen there been times when the CA been behind In getting info that been out for some time and have picked the info from other sailors .
I'm not having a go at the CA but just trying to put people straight.
You could look at it another way, where the info on Italy,France,Portugal Turkey to me and many other the only info here from the CA is about Greece luck for us who are not member other cruiser as myself are happy to share Info free as we been doing for many years and will continue doing.


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15 Apr 2018
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The problem with all the other EU Countries, they do not have a process like the TL to allow you to prove your Vat status - Its a Canary in a cage I suppose. When and how will you know that the Portuguese will/have accepted your Vat status - I suspect only when it comes up and bights your bum! So the bloody TL actually has been good for us in Greece

At the moment, trying to get this sorted in Portugal by playing them at their own game and asking for a T2L to be issued. Asked local Faro customs who hadn't a clue what it was all about so tried another route. Initial reply via a shipping agent (personal contact) who has daily contacts with Lisbon customs was that VAT is payable. Told him that was bollocks and to try again. Although I have copies of correspondence to/from EU enquiry centre outlining the situation, they have a disclaimer that their advice is not legally binding and I still haven't found a link to definitive EU law.


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19 Jan 2007
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''but I do feel that the CA could be causing more problems for British flag boat in coming months and years as far as Greece goes. ''

What a load of Cr%P........in my view. The CA (and Chris) have been brilliant.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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deleted so not to thread drift .
But Cariadco I think you confusing the issues with chris who a very nice guy and willing like most of us to share info at the same time keeping the CA name in the head line
And the CA
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28 Jan 2005
Winter in Kent, rest of the year on board
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So the CA talks and causes proble CAms for lots of sailors in the area whether members or not. And without authorization of its non members.

Count the number of boats that are not members of the CA and ask yourself why the CA assume that they should make the policy.
Silly me, there I was thinking that the CA (like any other democratic club) was supposed to operate for the benefit of its members! The idea that it should first ask for authorization to do so from all and any non-members is laughable

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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Silly me, there I was thinking that the CA (like any other democratic club) was supposed to operate for the benefit of its members! The idea that it should first ask for authorization to do so from all and any non-members is laughable

Yes ,I agree with your sillyness.

The CA has approximately 6000 members world wide.
How many in Greece I don't know .What I do know is the are plenty of British , French, German, Dutch and more flagged boat that are not members.
If paying £137 a year,is in your opinion value ,so be it.
Look at what you get for your money and you will find similar ,or more up to date information elsewhere..

Again don't make this personal Chris is from what I have heard, a good one .


Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
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Yes ,I agree with your sillyness.

The CA has approximately 6000 members world wide.
How many in Greece I don't know .What I do know is the are plenty of British , French, German, Dutch and more flagged boat that are not members.
If paying £137 a year,is in your opinion value ,so be it.
Look at what you get for your money and you will find similar ,or more up to date information elsewhere..

Again don't make this personal Chris is from what I have heard, a good one .

I think it is a case of each to their own but personally the CA concept does not bode well with me, or any of the similar consortium. I do though appreciate Chris's candour and I'm sure we all do and rely on getting up to date information instead of waiting for it to trickle through this forum or other sources.
After all £137 buys a lot of miso kilo's, actually at least one a week ;) ? and I will gladly buy Chris one or two if you ever come to this part of Greece.


28 Jan 2005
Winter in Kent, rest of the year on board
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Yes ,I agree with your sillyness.

The CA has approximately 6000 members world wide.
How many in Greece I don't know .What I do know is the are plenty of British , French, German, Dutch and more flagged boat that are not members.
Sorry you've lost me now; are you saying that the CA should not act on behalf of its members?

If paying £137 a year,is in your opinion value ,so be it.
Look at what you get for your money and you will find similar ,or more up to date information elsewhere..
I expressed no opinion whatsoever about value.

Again don't make this personal Chris is from what I have heard, a good one .
My personal (not second-hand) experience is one of gratitude for his invaluable help and advice with DEKPA, TL etc etc.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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ITH it was Chris who help you not the CA , the same way most of us would help if we could. And nothing said so far as been about Chris other then good stuff.

Why don't we all just move on , we not going to agree and all we doing is drifting this thread who I'm guilty of for starting the dift.