Yep, this is maybe going to be a seasonal one? We travel back and forth now mostly away but the odd week back in the UK to catch up-like now!
Hope the powers that be understand this and don't pull the plug whilst everyone is off sailing!
We left for a 5 month cruise of France Spain on the 19th May, wanted to get to Ramsgate from the east coast, but Oh No winds south-south east right on the nose and gusting 6-7-& 8 dirictions unheard of other years at this time. Spent whole week in a marina shouting above the rattle of halyards and masts. But we will try the end of this week again as weather seems to be better. It has however allowed me to catch up with Liverboard Link See you all in October I hope!
So what would you say if I were to suggest that we might buy a liveaboard motorsailer or even a motor sail catamaran!!! - and anyway where the hell have you been and why dont you answer your fancy e-mail address mail and and and.....<G>