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24 Feb 2003
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Lots of coverage on BBC news.


It will seriously curtail Tunisia's attraction as a tourist destination, acheives just what the fanatical extremists want.

About time we took off the gloves and pc mantle and waded in!
I agree, call me Dave needs to do more of what he did the other day, call the community that is causing it to account!


5 Nov 2009
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We had a very enjoyable family holiday at the Imperial Maharba many years ago. Shocking to see the same beach as we sat on with my toddler son looking like a war zone. These fanatics are thick imbeciles who have as much intelligence as a garden slug. Actually, that's an insult to slugs.



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1 Mar 2005
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Feeling very sorry for those killed on holiday,RIP.
Was there with family for Oct break last year or maybe the one before, not sure.
Noticeable deterioration in everything at that stage.
Also feeling sorry for the many decent Tunisians who work in hospitality and are well trained in a catering college nearby.
The fact that Sarkozy's plan to enter Tunisia as a peacekeeper never happened is woeful, also the non operation of an Italian plan to send UN peacekeepng forces to Libya makes things even worse.
You can see where the easy pickings are for ISIS, Tunisians who have degrees etc but no prospects at all, having been abandoned by Europe, must become well disenchanted.
Its this aspect that has been let run away.
They are a lovely people.


Well-known member
19 Oct 2005
Durham, England
It's been 20 years since my first and last holiday in Tunisia. Without a shadow of doubt, the worst place I've ever been in my life. Holiday highlights included two days in bed with food poisoning caused by non-existent food hygiene, incessant pestering of my young, attractive, blonde, girlfriend, by the local trainee rapists, and an attempted mugging outside the souk, I hope they self destruct.


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26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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It's been 20 years since my first and last holiday in Tunisia. Without a shadow of doubt, the worst place I've ever been in my life. Holiday highlights included two days in bed with food poisoning caused by non-existent food hygiene, incessant pestering of my young, attractive, blonde, girlfriend, by the local trainee rapists, and an attempted mugging outside the souk, I hope they self destruct.
What a very nice man , it's not the Tunisia people that's caused the problem , this could happen any here even on your own door step , we spent three weeks in Tunisia last year , everyone was kind and respectful the lift out was very cheap , so was the food which was very good we plain to go back there next spring unless things got very bad . We know yachtmen there at the moment a d they write on there facebook page are the local are shock by what's happen and very sadden .


Well-known member
19 Oct 2005
Durham, England
What a very nice man , it's not the Tunisia people that's caused the problem , this could happen any here even on your own door step , we spent three weeks in Tunisia last year , everyone was kind and respectful the lift out was very cheap , so was the food which was very good we plain to go back there next spring unless things got very bad . We know yachtmen there at the moment a d they write on there facebook page are the local are shock by what's happen and very sadden .

Who caused the problem then, if it wasn't the Tunisians? :confused: You're wrong to suggest it could happen here, because there are no Tunisians for miles around.

Was it my girlfriend's fault for being an attractive young blonde? was it my fault for eating their awful undercooked pizza? Was it my fault for shopping at the souk?

The country is a hell hole, populated by dishonest, jealous people.


19 Mar 2012
Pacific 2019
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Have to agree with you Elton .... Worst place I have ever been too .... Ripped off by nearly every cab driver , wife to be , attractive French blonde hassled day and night , couldn't leave her side for a week .... Everyone of them just ripping you off at any chance , first time in my life I have been glad to land back in the UK after a break , they will now melt down in there own doing ... Good luck to them ...


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1 Oct 2011
Western carribean
I am sorry but on the basis of an experience 20years ago ......you are bad mouthing an entire country!! What utter nonsense! This was a terrorist attack that could have happened in any number of places. I agree with Vic that most who have been there would be shocked and saddened. Half a million British tourists visit every year and regardless of their experience the Tunisian economy relies on this.....without it jobs will be lost ,poverty will grow and it will become increasingly difficult to hold back political extremists like those responsible for the atrocity.
One last thought .....if you wanted Pizza why did you go to Tunisia?! Perhaps you are indeed right in the description of yourself at the bottom of your post.


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10 Oct 2014
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Tunisia isn't a nice country to visit, been 3 times and had trouble each time, stayed at El Kantaoui, hotel royal Kenz, not far from where the attack happened, you must realise we are infidels in their country, on one visit by train to the palace where the Monte Python film took place. I was spat at by a school child who was in a group, I could tell by the other children's faces that they were embarrassed, but no grown ups offered a word to this young lad, I wanted to give him a good slap, but where would that have got me, on another occasion got ripped of over a supposed gold necklace. My wife being constantly hassled. We are not beach lovers, but went on trips viewing Roman remains, Druga etc and to the capital and Carthage. There is plenty to see, Camel racing in the Sahara, huge salt flats and a train journey through the mountains, visited the set of the first Star Wars film, met the people who still live underground, their name escapes me, it's not on my list any more.


24 Jan 2011
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Still here. Still alive. In Hammermet we saw nearly 20 tourists this AM. In Tunis we saw more including a coach tour at the Bardo museum. Locals remain freindly and wonder what all the fuss is about.
As far as I can tell, wherever you go these days, somebody is out to get you. Lyon/Kuwait/Sousse all had attacks on the same day. S.Carolina had a nut case as well, London, Madrid and Sydney have all had problems - nobody said not to travel to London did they?
Understand Reykjavik is nice at this time of year......


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Still here. Still alive. In Hammermet we saw nearly 20 tourists this AM. In Tunis we saw more including a coach tour at the Bardo museum. Locals remain freindly and wonder what all the fuss is about.
As far as I can tell, wherever you go these days, somebody is out to get you. Lyon/Kuwait/Sousse all had attacks on the same day. S.Carolina had a nut case as well, London, Madrid and Sydney have all had problems - nobody said not to travel to London did they?
Understand Reykjavik is nice at this time of year......
I think you quite right , it's possabile to get shot or bombed in almost any where there been warning about Turkey , I think as long as you keep away from the tourest trap its less likely , althought still possible , we plan to go back to Tunisia next sprin to get lifed out again .
I can understand tourists wanted to go back home it is a bit worring when someone enter a beach and start shotting .
Just like yourself when we was there 18 months ago we found the local friendly and very welcomely , my partner never had a problem when out on her own , yes their would try and get you to visit there shops ,but that normal in these country , they don't see it has hustling you and when it is explained to then that Europeain like to look they leave you alone .
Last edited:


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Not that thick actually. One man has successfully initiated the downfall of an entire country!

And died because he believed a load of fantasy carp about virgins and the next life.....where he presumably meets the Tooth Fairy!

You're right. Not as thick as a slug as slugs are animate. As thick as a the thickest inanimate object known to man. Perhaps Ayers Rock?



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1 Dec 2005
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Perhaps we need to avoid these extreemists by holidaying in, say, America though I guess we just need to avoid schools and churches

It's just not possible to be certain of avoiding all extremists on holiday, but you should do what you can to minimise the problem: A good start might be to PM Elton and enquire where/when he's going on his hols; if you avoid there/then that's one less for you to worry about at least.


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13 Dec 2011
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We left Monastir about a week before the bombing having spent about 3 weeks there getting the boat lifted etc. Everyone we met was friendly and only about half of those were trying to sell you something. Everything (work on the boat, food, souvenirs et al) was of acceptable if not especially high quality and extremely cheap.

While I personally wouldn't be overly concerned about being blown up, there are an awful lot of other wonderful places in this world to see if you are.