Trying to find a DPDT relay with "centre off" function, ie non latching


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11 Mar 2002
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We can all guess that answer but...
No need to guess, really.
JFM confirmed in his post of Oct 2022 that the wiring he made in 2013 was still working.
Of course, since Oct 2022 it could have been redone, or failed, or whatever, but so what?

TBH, I find it more intriguing that someone joined this forum in Oct 2022 just to comment with three posts on a problem that already back then had been solved 9 years before.
And whose only other two posts since then are another year and a half later, just to reiterate on the same topic.
Talk about being obsessed about relays... :unsure:


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4 Oct 2022
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No need to guess, really.
JFM confirmed in his post of Oct 2022 that the wiring he made in 2013 was still working.
Of course, since Oct 2022 it could have been redone, or failed, or whatever, but so what?

TBH, I find it more intriguing that someone joined this forum in Oct 2022 just to comment with three posts on a problem that already back then had been solved 9 years before.
And whose only other two posts since then are another year and a half later, just to reiterate on the same topic.
Talk about being obsessed about relays... :unsure:
Well just because it was still working on Oct 5 2022 doesn't mean there has been no issues with it since. So yeah it is just guessing.

Yeah and I came on here so long ago because the internet decided to prop this post up as I was doing research on another project so I poked in to give some information if anyone was still in need.

As to me coming back well you can blame this site for that. I got a notice on this post. So your weird accusation of being obsessed is unfounded and a guess in itself. Also wierd and more obsessive that you would actually go digging. We're you even following the thread before hand? Or are you just jumping in to not even talk on the actual subject and just berating someone for just following up? Don't you think comments like "Talk about being obsessed about relays" is a bit sparky? And I'm sure it's against terms of service in some way.

No matter. Don't answer. Not interested. Just looking for an update on the actual subject.


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11 Mar 2002
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Or are you just jumping in to not even talk on the actual subject and just berating someone for just following up?
Don't you think comments like "Talk about being obsessed about relays" is a bit sparky?
And I'm sure it's against terms of service in some way.
Are you, after 6 posts? I'm impressed.
Anyway, if it is, and if a moderator (pretty sure, not your good self!) will decide to pull my post, rest assured that I will not lose any sleep over it.

Ref. your questions, the short answer is yes, and do you know why?
Because after a quarter of a century around here, and 20+ thousands posts, I learned to smell trolls. That's why.


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4 Oct 2022
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Are you, after 6 posts? I'm impressed.
Anyway, if it is, and if a moderator (pretty sure, not your good self!) will decide to pull my post, rest assured that I will not lose any sleep over it.

Ref. your questions, the short answer is yes, and do you know why?
Because after a quarter of a century around here, and 20+ thousands posts, I learned to smell trolls. That's why.

I see that in order to make and argument you have to ignore the points I have maid that back all I have said.

"Are you, after 6 posts? I'm impressed."
What does that even mean? I know in you head it is somehow making sense but without actually pointing to or mentioning what you are referring to you just look scatter brained.

"Anyway, if it is, and if a moderator (pretty sure, not your good self!) will decide to pull my post, rest assured that I will not lose any sleep over it."
I care less if it is also. I make mention of it because I know different. Why? Well.. Because after a Half of a century around here, and 40+ thousands posts, I learned to smell trolls who are obsessed with attacking people for posting on an OLD post. That's why. BTW if the site was so against posting on old posts then they would close it automatically after a certain time. I posted on the actual topic and then was reminded of the thread via email, so that gives me reason to be here. You on the other hand have nothing but tears over someone posting in a post you had nothing to do with. So that really make you the troll and absolutely shows you would be the type to lose sleep over it.

In any case, I do not wish to conversate with you nor for you to contact me or even mention me. So if it is not about the topic of the thread then there is no reason for you to contact me any further. Don't take me not replying as if I could not rebuttal or respond, take it as me just ignoring you for the reason I do not want to waste time going in circles with you.


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16 May 2001
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I sold the boat in about October 2022 and it was still working then. The new owner's captain would call me if there was a problem, so it's probably still working now.

Its function was to operate an electric linear actuator that moved a TV in a cabin. It probably only did 300 cycles in the whole 10 years I owned it, so I can vouch for its longevity but I can't vouch for its suitability in high-cycles use cases.

One of the benefits of RF in my particular installation was that dismantling a cabin to run wires can be a big job, and for something as trivial and non mission critical as a TV actuator RF is ok and it isn't worth worrying about stability.

Going back to your post #16, can you post a sketch/diagram (or link) please showing how to do this with a pair of SPDT relays, rather than a pair of DPDT ? It's late and I haven't thought about it too hard, and didn't in 2022, but I'm curious and would love to see a quick diagram please.
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4 Oct 2022
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I sold the boat in about October 2022 and it was still working then. The new owner's captain would call me if there was a problem, so it's probably still working now.

Its function was to operate an electric linear actuator that moved a TV in a cabin. It probably only did 300 cycles in the whole 10 years I owned it, so I can vouch for its longevity but I can't vouch for its suitability in high-cycles use cases.

One of the benefits of RF in my particular installation was that dismantling a cabin to run wires can be a big job, and for something as trivial and non mission critical as a TV actuator RF is ok and it isn't worth worrying about stability.

Going back to your post #16, can you post a sketch/diagram (or link) please showing how to do this with a pair of SPDT relays, rather than a pair of DPDT ? It's late and I haven't thought about it too hard, and didn't in 2022, but I'm curious and would love to see a quick diagram please.

I do have Diagrams but I no longer post them to forums. Not directly in any case. However I can post other diagrams from quick Google search.

Here is a one that gives the basic hook-up for the power to the Linear Actuator.

Turn on either relay and the motor will turn in one direction. Turn on the other relay , the motor turns in the other direction.

If both relays turn on nothing happens since both wires get positive power. Same as if they both get negative, which happens all the time. This is a good thing too. When the motor stops it feeds the Back EMF back to the motor and the motor "uses" it/dissipates it.

Same if one relay gets stuck in the on position (NO). All that will happen is that the TV will be stuck in whatever position that relay is for.

Thanks again for the update.
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11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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What do you mean by "done in software". Do you mean software driven controller? As in Arduino or PI?
In this day and age, you design hardware that has "inputs" and "outputs" - no logic in the hardware.
Then you write software to control the outputs according to the state of the inputs.
That way you can introduce other logic (even timers) that would be difficult in a hardware only design.


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16 May 2016
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TY for the update.

I agree the RF remote control is a faster easier option to go with for a TV.

I do have Diagrams but I no longer post them to forums. Not directly in any case. However I can post other diagrams from quick Google search.
So, you resurrect an 11 year old thread, twice, berating the answer (that has worked for at leat 9 years, likely 11), telling us all you have a better solution, but you refuse to post your solution, just some Goggle stuff you have dug out ?



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16 May 2001
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TY for the update.

I agree the RF remote control is a faster easier option to go with for a TV.

I do have Diagrams but I no longer post them to forums. Not directly in any case. However I can post other diagrams from quick Google search.

Here is a one that gives the basic hook-up for the power to the Linear Actuator.

Turn on either relay and the motor will turn in one direction. Turn on the other relay , the motor turns in the other direction.

If both relays turn on nothing happens since both wires get positive power. Same as if they both get negative, which happens all the time. This is a good thing too. When the motor stops it feeds the Back EMF back to the motor and the motor "uses" it/dissipates it.

Same if one relay gets stuck in the on position (NO). All that will happen is that the TV will be stuck in whatever position that relay is for.

Thanks again for the update.

View attachment 179016

View attachment 179019
Thanks for the diagram.

IMHO, all a bit storm in teacup. Your comment "Doing it that way is so overly convoluted. ALL you needed was two SPDT relays" is rather drama queeny, when you compare your newly posted circuit with what I actually did (per post #6). I get the difference between the two circuits, but I used one type of relay at £3 each and you used another at £3 each.

Your question in #19 "so how long did it last?" seems to imply you think what I did has less inherent longevity than your solution. Not sure I get that longevity point.

I agree that your circuit is better than mine, but the difference is so marginal that this discussion 11 years after the event feels like you're telling me I bought the wrong brand of paper clip once back in 2013, and if only I'd bought other brand of paper clip back then :)


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4 Oct 2022
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So, you resurrect an 11 year old thread, twice, berating the answer (that has worked for at leat 9 years, likely 11), telling us all you have a better solution, but you refuse to post your solution, just some Goggle stuff you have dug out ?

So no actual input to the actual topic in this thread. ODD.

"telling us all you have a better solution, but you refuse to post your solution, just some Goggle stuff you have dug out ?"

Um I have already twice given the solution.

Once in post #16
When I said " Just look up Power windows and lock diagrams. Or if you want one without looking I made a few."

and just a few moments ago in post #29
when I showed the two diagrams.

So how is that refusing to give solutions?
How is giving google searched diagrams not doing so and what is wrong with that? Plus it took me the whole of 2 min to find them. That right there shows that this solution has been around for a very long time. I even mentioned that in post #16 "WOW this post is old but the solution is even older." So if anyone would have taken the time to just google it they and you would have found it. That easy.

And again like I told the other guy, this site sent me a notice back to this thread. So why are you so hurt that someone responds to an old thread. If it is till open then complain to the mods and have it shut down.

Furthermore I never "berating the answer". I said it was convoluted. Do you know the meaning of that word?
Convoluted - extremely complex and difficult to follow.

" telling us all you have a better solution, but you refuse to post your solution, just some Goggle stuff you have dug out ?"
Sound a lot more berating than anything I have said.

The "answer" vs The common solution I ALREADY POSTED. An honest person would say that the "answer" is way more convoluted than the common solution. So where is it that I am berating the "answer"?

At this point an honest person should apologize for saying untruths but I won't expect that from you.

Like I told the other guy
"In any case, I do not wish to conversate with you nor for you to contact me or even mention me. So if it is not about the topic of the thread then there is no reason for you to contact me any further. Don't take me not replying as if I could not rebuttal or respond, take it as me just ignoring you for the reason I do not want to waste time going in circles with you."
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4 Oct 2022
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"Doing it that way is so overly convoluted. ALL you needed was two SPDT relays" is rather drama queeny,
Well then that all in your head. It is just a statement that is true.

seems to imply you think what I did has less inherent longevity than your solution. Not sure I get that longevity point.
Again it is just a question. Again don't read into it, just read it as it is.
I agree that your circuit is better than mine, but the difference is so marginal that this discussion 11 years after the event feels like you're telling me I bought the wrong brand of paper clip once back in 2013, and if only I'd bought other brand of paper clip back then :)
Again reading way too much into it. I gave a better solution. Not mine, it has been around for a very long time. The difference is as I said before, it is less convoluted. It takes less time to understand and wire. It is also a point that SPDT relays and the boards are far more available. And they are more common in RF remote control boards.

But calling a simple statement "drama queeny," is far more "drama queeny," than the statement itself since it was never anything but a true statement.


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11 Mar 2002
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But calling a simple statement "drama queeny," is far more "drama queeny," than the statement itself since it was never anything but a true statement.
Yeah, but arguing that it's far more drama queeny to call your statement drama queeny, THAT ranks as the most drama queeny statement of all. 🤣
That said, feel free to object that this post of mine raises the drama queeny bar even further.
I have a pretty good stock of popcorn, and the whole thread is getting more entertaining now than the original topic was. (y)


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4 Oct 2022
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Yeah, but arguing that it's far more drama queeny to call your statement drama queeny, THAT ranks as the most drama queeny statement of all. 🤣
That said, feel free to object that this post of mine raises the drama queeny bar even further.
I have a pretty good stock of popcorn, and the whole thread is getting more entertaining now than the original topic was. (y)
No objection here. Your comment did raise that bar to new heights. You have stock of popcorn, must mean you thrive on drama. I wouldn't know anything about that. The other might help you with your affliction tho. They have plenty of it.


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4 Oct 2022
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C'mon, are you for real?
We are all grown men who can read what you write, you know...
OK last one.

Yea you all are grown men and can read. Problem is you act very emotional as if you are wearing lady undergarments that are all bunched up, and the makes ya'll read your own feelings into it. So yeah Come on. It's so sad. When I write I write with no feeling or hidden message. Next time people write just sit there and read it as if you yourself was asked and you are giving a reply. Think on the words not your own fee fees. Read it as if you were reading a text book. Read it as if you are reading a history book and you are honestly trying to learn something. You would be much happier and you might have less need for drama in your life. And that popcorn.

Now "In any case, I do not wish to conversate with you nor for you to contact me or even mention me. So if it is not about the topic of the thread then there is no reason for you to contact me any further. Don't take me not replying as if I could not rebuttal or respond, take it as me just ignoring you for the reason I do not want to waste time going in circles with you."


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16 May 2001
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Well then that all in your head. It is just a statement that is true.

Again it is just a question. Again don't read into it, just read it as it is.

Again reading way too much into it. I gave a better solution. Not mine, it has been around for a very long time. The difference is as I said before, it is less convoluted. It takes less time to understand and wire. It is also a point that SPDT relays and the boards are far more available. And they are more common in RF remote control boards.

But calling a simple statement "drama queeny," is far more "drama queeny," than the statement itself since it was never anything but a true statement.
I have no wish to get into a convoluted argument with you and we should wind this up soon perhaps. In quick response:
(1) of course "drama queeny" was in my head - I think I was on the money though in that your sentence absolutely was not "just a statement that is true" :) That said, I suspect from some of your word choices and sentence construction that you are not a mother tongue EN speaker so I should and will cut you some more slack
(2) I think I was on the money on this one, based on the context and the wording you chose (esp. the "So"), but no matter :)
(3) I agree with you that your solution is better. But again I think I'm on the money in dimensioning the significance in all this by saying that your paperclip is better than the paperclip I bought 11 years ago.

No matter, we can agree to disagree on all these peripheral points. Your circuit is definitely better than mine and thanks again for posting the circuit picture.
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4 Oct 2022
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I have no wish to get into a convoluted argument with you and we should wind this up soon perhaps. In quick response:
(1) of course "drama queeny" was in my head - I think I was on the money though in that your sentence absolutely was not "just a statement that is true" :) That said, I suspect from some of your word choices and sentence construction that you are not a mother tongue EN speaker so I should and will cut you some more slack
(2) I think I was on the money on this one, based on the context and the wording you chose (esp. the "So"), but no matter :)
(3) I agree with you that your solution is better. But again I think I'm on the money in dimensioning the significance in all this by saying that your paperclip is better than the paperclip I bought 11 years ago.

No matter, we can agree to disagree on all these peripheral points. Your circuit is definitely better than mine and thanks again for posting the circuit picture.

