New member
Over Easter we undertook our first cross channel Gosport to Cherbourg and back (eventually). SHMBO learnt the important lesson that the 3 & 1/2 wardrobes she enjoys in our detached 3 storey Georgian house will not fit into the confines of a 34' yacht. She had been told but as usual seemed to know something we didn't! We made the mistake of specifying "1 sailing bag only" which, bless her, she conformed to. What we failed to specify was no additional rucksacks, carrier bags, toilet bags and all the other baggage women seem to have a knack for filling when they are away from home for more than 4 hours!!
It was encouraging when she reported overhearing in the showers 2 of the racing set discussing super small and absorbent travel towels. (I am talking bathing towels by the way!!).Such a wonder product would represent a small but significant step on the road to reducing the load on our already stressed boat and I would appreciate any info on where they can be obtained. Indeed anything on other similar "travelling light" ideas would be useful.
I hasten to add that "5 packs of condoms instead of the usual 10" would not be terribly relevant to the cause!!! - why is it Sailbad comes to mind at this point?
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by themount2 on 29/04/2003 08:57 (server time).</FONT></P>
It was encouraging when she reported overhearing in the showers 2 of the racing set discussing super small and absorbent travel towels. (I am talking bathing towels by the way!!).Such a wonder product would represent a small but significant step on the road to reducing the load on our already stressed boat and I would appreciate any info on where they can be obtained. Indeed anything on other similar "travelling light" ideas would be useful.
I hasten to add that "5 packs of condoms instead of the usual 10" would not be terribly relevant to the cause!!! - why is it Sailbad comes to mind at this point?
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by themount2 on 29/04/2003 08:57 (server time).</FONT></P>