Toilet inlet seacock won't close - risks over winter?


Well-known member
12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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You say that the handle has broken off. Pliers aren't much good for turning it if it's at all stiff (and will tend to bugger up the flats on the shaft). Do you have another seacock with an identical handle (or can you borrow one from another boat)? If not find a small spanner that fits the flats on the shaft well (even a small adjustable). Then you will be in a better position to work the cock open and closed, which will quite likely budge any corrsion and allow it to fully close. Once you've freed it a bit, opening and closing should be easy with a small spanner. (Hope I've not misunderstood your problem.)

If you can get the seacock closed, then in my view it is much better off closed when the boat is unattended. To avoid it being damaged by ice in very cold weather, take the other end off the pipe off and put some salt down it so that all the water inboard of the seacock is sufficiently saline to prevent freezing at the temperature you're likely to experience.
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