This years mooring fees. Anyone getting any leniency?

12 Oct 2012
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Just wondering if anyone else is suffering this problem?

Environment Agency is demanding payment for the 2020/2021 licence fee (and they've increased it this year too), which was due April.

Obviously anyone trying to sell their boat and get it off the mooring before April couldn't and even now as the lockdown eases, getting boats lifted is difficult with long waiting lists.

I had hoped that EA might shift the due date along or, more sensibly, allow people to pay just the months the boat was on the mooring during lockdown, but it appears not.

They want the whole fee despite it being impossible to more your boat during lockdown.


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12 Feb 2010
Glasson Dock
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Just joined a sailing club in June and paid full entrance fees, go on club website and it says that all existing members received a partial refund due to the Lockdown. I wonder if it will apply for new members who joined halfway through the season.


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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St. Gilles Croix de Vie racked up the charges to summer day visitors rates on the boat that was stuck there since the lockdown. Commented that Macron had told people not to take advantage of the situation. Remarkable rude reply to the effect that there was nothing to stop them.
Result is us telling everybody to stay well away.
12 Oct 2012
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I'm also on an EA mooring, not only as you say re another price hike but last year we were kicked off the mornings at end of September till April for mooring maintenance but still had to pay the full amount for the whole year.
Tell me about it! I was on E28. The EA has that dumb mentalty that if less people take moorings (there are more and more empty every year) they need to put the prices up...

In EA's mind one boat paying £2000 a year is a better deal than 20 boats paying £250 a year.
12 Oct 2012
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Well the EA have had a slight change of heart. As I have sold my boat, I am only paying for the months of lockdown. A lot better than the full whack.