Things that go bump in the night..


New member
9 Jun 2002
Savannah 32 00.50N - 80 59.90W
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Someone had a minor collision at sea last night, at around 21:30ish no injuries and minor damage. They were making 1 knot against current basically holding their position 1 mile off the rig when they had an incident with a fishing vessel. They had 1st officer on watch and fishing vessel bridge was unmanned. I am led to believe that fishing vessel hit them on starboard side from rear quarter. No problem, they are overtaking vessel, however, suddenly the English spoken when questioned becomes very vague. Ships log apparently switches to Norwegian at this point. What happened to radar collision warning? They also neglected to inform someone, as Client rep, of the incident until 08:30 this morning. Not good. However, fishing vessel nudging them a glancing blow wouldn't even have been felt on board, I assume. It would have had to ram them to make itself felt.

Of course, all of this never happened, and the names have been changed to protect the innocent etc. Oh!, and you've never heard of anyone anyh00.

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