Finally the decision has been made(on my behalf)/forums/images/icons/mad.gif that MBM magazines from Jan1996 have got to go.So any of you forumites looking for a copy.Geoff
I had a big wad of them too! so what I did, was to cut out anything that I might need in the future (mainly technical stuff and on average just 2/3 pages from each edition) and put the cut-outs into a folder with A4 cellophane pockets.
Broke everything up into "chapters" e.g. navigation, engine maintenance etc, and its been an ideal reference source since.
(Had to get rid of my revered copies of Astonomy and National Geographic too. The only magazine I keep now is "Islands", which has the best photography I've ever seen.)
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=>Useful links for Irish waters.</A>
A few months back I had to dump all my back issues of Aisian Babes, Big Jugs,
Fem Dom Illustrated & S&M for beginers. Don`t know what to do in the evenings now !
I have some 1959/60 copies of H&E (Health & Efficiency) that I found at the back of the topmost shelf in the boathouse while I was cleaning it up.Sandy, who bought the place around that time assured me that they weren't his!!
In one of them is an advert for a hotel on the Isle of Wight. A few of us were considering booking into the hotel and turning up for breakfast starkers (Not a pretty sight!!) "What do you mean it's not a nudist hotel? Next thing you'll be telling me, Madam, is it's no longer 2s3d a night!" /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif