Campaign on Twitter, BoatersRights
To save me reading through all the links what started the ill feeling and hassle in the beginning.
As far as I can see, Poplar Dock has developed a thriving community of interesting liveaboard people over the years. CART now want to make more money from it and have whacked their mooring prices up enormously, by a factor of two or three. They are charging owners of boats over 3m wide for double berths, even though nobody is actually occupying two berths. The chap referred to in the OP took them to the Waterways Ombudsman who said it needed to be decided by a court, so he took them to court through the Small Claims track where he lost. CART now want to evict him and his wife after many years for making these challenges.
It seems like a completely different situation from the previous Bath eviction(s) and deserves our support.
You are not right in saying they are being evicted for not paying the mooring fees. They are paying the mooring fees, as am I, who has just seen my fees go up by 46% and in 2 years time, another 40% so that from 2011, my fees wll have gone up over 80%. And we don't know the final figure. The reason why they are being evicted is because Rod challenged these extortinate mooring fee increases on behalf of the whole community. First by making a formal complaint, then by following BWML's complaint proceedure, by taking a complaint to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman report indicated that only a court could adjudicate on many of the matters we raised. And the Judge made it clear that the case was not vexatious. Please support our campaign and help campaing to get Rights for ALL Boaters.
If the owners have major health issues why stand and fight and continue/prolong the stress ? Surely it's better just to bury ones pride and move on and have a stress free life ? (.if that's possible as a liveaboard )
Or maybe, just maybe, because it's the life they've always known. They live in a community they've known for 15 years. And they don't have anywhere else to live.
Oh probably just for fun.
Or maybe, just maybe, because it's the life they've always known. They live in a community they've known for 15 years. And they don't have anywhere else to live.
We're talking about an elderly couple FFS.
And perhaps because moving house, even when no change of lifestyle is involved, is one of he most stressful things you can do. I can quite understand why an elderly couple with health issues wouldn't want to put themselves through that.
+1, have some compassion.
Their T &C indicate that liveaboards are forbidden but have probably turned a blind eye as most marinas do now this has hit the headlines so to speak I suspect other liveaboards will come under fire .
It seems short sighted that a plan B wasn't put in place in case the court case didn't go in their favour.
Plan B, as I understand it, was to continue paying the higher mooring fees. It seems unnecessary and spiteful for CART to respond to the court challenge by throwing the couple out altogether.