the cops are checking


23 Jun 2007
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it will be comforting to know that the Police are keeping an eye out for nicked boats and outboards.On friday night,i picked up my trailer sailer from her mooring at Wells Norfolk,i was on the road for 10 mins when the flashing blue light came on.I at first thought that there may be something missing or wrong with the rig but a Norfolk Policeman,said" as a boat owner sir,you will hopefully understand that we stop and check boats with nice big outboards on them to ensure that they are not stollen" or word to that effect.

I was asked to proove ownership,so i got the keys to the boat and felt very embarraced and slightly under pressure that the padlock appeared to have seized,anyhow i was using the wrong key /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif,after producing ships papers and drivers licence the copper was satisfied that i owned the boat,he then went through the car,checking insurance etc,had a good look at the trailer,was satisfied that i was complying with the law etc

i commented that i was unliely to go nicking a boat with my wife and daughter,he said" A caravam was stollen last week,guy came up in a car with his wife and kids,hitched it up and drove off" The best thief never looks like a thief"

i was slighly inconveinienced by it all,it took 45 mins or so.

I am also very pleased with the Norfolk constabulary for being vigilant on the behalf of boat owners,no complaints from here