Well-known member
Re: The Claymore Legacy (contd)
"Aye, mae John Logie, noo thair's a sad story" responded the weeyin. "Wheel yer honour, on mae way back tae yer magnificent's grand ol shat-oo, here in Glen Toenail, I fell in wi' a feller frae a travelling fair, name o' Big Willie O'Heck. Wee Jum, sez he, yer a fair faced wee divot o' ra human race, hoo d'ye fancy makking a few bob in ra fairground? Ye see, ma bairded lady has hied awa wi' ma coconut shy mon, on account o'his big nuts, and if ye can grow a set o'whiskies, ra jobs yours for a dab o'cosmetics an a purr o'melons up yer shirt. Hoo much, sez I? Mair pouns than ra welfare, fer sure, sez he. So ah grows mae baird, taks a week or twa, meanwhile I'm on ra coconut shy. Wunday, Big Willie reckons I'm hairy enuff, an gies me a dram that didnae taste a mickle like yer lairdship's finest 18 month old Glen Rothes as ye so generously keep fair Para, me and that scalper TCM. Next thung I ken's, I'm wakking oop, nae breeks, nae grundies, nae meat an nae two veg. Yer honour, sad tae say, I'm no the man I wunce was. When a lassie asks me if there's anything under mae kilt, all I can say is "buggerall".
"Jim," says the quick witted but randy old laird from his seat on the genuine porcelain thunderbox, once used by Princess Annie at the Loch Upyerdaughter's horse trials, "let me get Para to give ye a shave, then hoos ye fancy a night doon ra moving pitcher hoos, an mebbe a birra slap'n'tickle in ra back row?"
"Aye, mae John Logie, noo thair's a sad story" responded the weeyin. "Wheel yer honour, on mae way back tae yer magnificent's grand ol shat-oo, here in Glen Toenail, I fell in wi' a feller frae a travelling fair, name o' Big Willie O'Heck. Wee Jum, sez he, yer a fair faced wee divot o' ra human race, hoo d'ye fancy makking a few bob in ra fairground? Ye see, ma bairded lady has hied awa wi' ma coconut shy mon, on account o'his big nuts, and if ye can grow a set o'whiskies, ra jobs yours for a dab o'cosmetics an a purr o'melons up yer shirt. Hoo much, sez I? Mair pouns than ra welfare, fer sure, sez he. So ah grows mae baird, taks a week or twa, meanwhile I'm on ra coconut shy. Wunday, Big Willie reckons I'm hairy enuff, an gies me a dram that didnae taste a mickle like yer lairdship's finest 18 month old Glen Rothes as ye so generously keep fair Para, me and that scalper TCM. Next thung I ken's, I'm wakking oop, nae breeks, nae grundies, nae meat an nae two veg. Yer honour, sad tae say, I'm no the man I wunce was. When a lassie asks me if there's anything under mae kilt, all I can say is "buggerall".
"Jim," says the quick witted but randy old laird from his seat on the genuine porcelain thunderbox, once used by Princess Annie at the Loch Upyerdaughter's horse trials, "let me get Para to give ye a shave, then hoos ye fancy a night doon ra moving pitcher hoos, an mebbe a birra slap'n'tickle in ra back row?"