The best web site(NB)?


New member
25 Jul 2002
Tampa Florida USA
Visit site
I hope this is the right side to ask this question. I did a search to see if there was any discussion of best web sites involving manufacturers, the search came up with about 600 hits, most of them was not what I was looking for.
I hope You can direct me to web sites from the perspective of usability
i.e. user-friendliness, layout etc. if anything You like to change.
Please keep in mind even if You do not like the way the company does business judge their Web layout.
I am only interested in either contacting the Web designer or using it as an example(provided this is legally possible).
Thank You in advance. <font color="blue"> </font>

Muzaffer Develioglu

PS if it will be easier for You to specify for a new manufacturer's side that's involved with boating industry I will be grateful /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif