Thames Licence Fees


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28 Jan 2014
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Last autumn, in response to the EA consultation re charges for 2014, the TMBA called for a review of EA Navigation Charges.
We wish to convey our concern that in recent years we have continued to face above inflation increases in licence fees whilst experiencing continuing reductions in services.
These increases are, effectively, arbitrary, in that they meet no specific budgetary objectives other than to marginally increase revenue.
In no way are the increases able to compensate for the reductions in GIA and we see no evidence of any serious initiatives to recognise and develop significant new revenue streams which are clearly essential if the current pressures on services are to be addressed.
At the present time it is powered craft that continue to be the largest single group of net revenue contributors.
A serious root and branch review of all river usage and revenue contribution is long overdue. The contributions paid by some other users of the river both as a venue and as a resource are completely unacceptable.
Now that the decision has been taken to defer possible transfer of the waterway to the C&RT it is essential that there be a firm plan of action to address the whole issue of sustained funding for the river.
This call for a root and branch overhaul of the charging structure and the way the navigation is financed forms a central plank of the TMBA's objectives
but we really do need the support of a significant body of powered craft owners if we are to take this forward.

Towards the end of last year the TMBA moved to subscription based membership - currently just £5 for 2014 - and now has over 100 paid up members, all of whom directly contribute to the cost of running the navigation through their EA Licence fees.

The TMBA also now has a seat on the EA's Thames Navigation User Forum and a real opportunity to influence attitudes and policy, not just with the EA but also with other river user groups whose objectives may not necessarily be in the best interest of motor boaters.
With some 9,000 registered powered craft on the non tidal Thames a 4 figure membership should be easily achievable - and
every new member is a demonstrable call for change.

Regardless of how well we articulate our concerns our real strength must arise from the size of our membership so, if you are not already a member, please join us and help boost our numbers to a level where we simply cannot be ignored.

Joining Information on the TMBA website:
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Big John

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10 Jan 2014
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I am a fully paid up member of the TMBA. I am surprised there are not more members signing up, it is only £5 - cheaper than parking your car in the local town car park when you go shopping and that is boring. With the strength of membership from Thames licenced boaters, 9000 registered craft, we should be able to make the EA re think out side of the box in how to maintain services that we expect from our boat licence.


19 Jan 2013
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I am also a member of TMBA and would encourage others to join as well, we need a much bigger voice.
The future for Thames motor boaters looks dismal with ever reducing levels of funding. We need to getaway from the general apathy that seems to exist because I have no doubt at all that within just 2 or 3 years we won't recognise the Thames from what it is today.
How do we reach the Thames boaters to make them aware of what's happening, somehow I doubt most of them follow this forum?


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
How do we reach the Thames boaters to make them aware of what's happening, somehow I doubt most of them follow this forum?
I suspect that you are right when you suggest that only a small minority follow this forum. As for spreading the word, if every existing member could just persuade a few boating friends to join that would very quickly swell the membership and could continue "pyramid style". Those that belong to clubs have an even greater number of contacts to encourage.

However, I am sure there are at least some here who have not joined and it would be interesting to know the reasons for their reluctance to do so.
Is it just apathy or is there some more specific reason?

Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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I suspect that you are right when you suggest that only a small minority follow this forum. As for spreading the word, if every existing member could just persuade a few boating friends to join that would very quickly swell the membership and could continue "pyramid style". Those that belong to clubs have an even greater number of contacts to encourage.

However, I am sure there are at least some here who have not joined and it would be interesting to know the reasons for their reluctance to do so.
Is it just apathy or is there some more specific reason?

Money . If I gave everyone a fiver that asked for it I wouldn't have anything left for sweeties . It may sound tight but I run a tight ship and there is only me running it .
Personally I think you would get more members if you did it on a donation basis . Maybe the fully paid up members get to know the secret handshake or something important like that .


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Money . If I gave everyone a fiver that asked for it I wouldn't have anything left for sweeties . It may sound tight but I run a tight ship and there is only me running it .
Personally I think you would get more members if you did it on a donation basis . Maybe the fully paid up members get to know the secret handshake or something important like that .

How about finding a fiver for stuff you cared about.Would that shorten the list a little. ? :)
If you are that skint and want to join,suspect somebody on this forum might just look down the back of their sofa and see if they can find a few pound coins to send to B1 on your behalf..:)
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Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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How about finding a fiver for stuff you cared about.Would that shorten the list a little. ? :)
If you are that skint and want to join,suspect somebody on this forum might just look down the back of their sofa and see if they can find a few pound coins to send to B1 on your behalf..:)

I'm fine thankyou . I was just answering the question . I didn't realise I had to pay to care about something but if you feel the need to send Tony a fiver on my behalf then please feel welcome . Its only a fiver after all :encouragement:


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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I'm fine thankyou . I was just answering the question . I didn't realise I had to pay to care about something but if you feel the need to send Tony a fiver on my behalf then please feel welcome . Its only a fiver after all :encouragement:

Five rather dusty and grubby coins are already on their way.Send your details to Tony.)

Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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I think and have told B1 that charging to join would be a bad move and I wouldn't re-join if he started to charge . This seems to some that I am either skint or against what B1 is doing . People can think what they want , I really don't care but from what I have seen from the start is this ...

B1 started a group for river users that wanted a voice but didn't want to be part of a club that already had a voice .
The groups that charge to be a member didn't like it and dismissed B1 as it wasn't an organised group , just a bunch of river users .
B1's hand was forced to organise the group better to get his voice heard and he has done that very bloody well :encouragement:
In doing that he has added a small charge to join but to me and most of the people on the river I know , it is asking for money . I know B1 pretty well I would say and know why he is charging , everything costs money . But in doing so , to me , its gone in another direction .
If you charge you need to step into line and that's what the TMBA has done . Fair play .
If you don't charge you can really get your voice heard . B1 has proven that .


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
I think and have told B1 that charging to join would be a bad move and I wouldn't re-join if he started to charge . This seems to some that I am either skint or against what B1 is doing . People can think what they want , I really don't care but from what I have seen from the start is this ...
I don't remember that conversation, Coochie, but no matter - you are entitled to decide for yourself and thank you for being the only one, so far, to respond to my request for enlightenment !

Your analysis of the reasons why we took the TMBA to a subscription based model is largely correct and I wish it had not been necessary. However, it was obvious that without doing so we would have been unable to gain a seat on TNUF which, if nothing else, is a major point of access to information and understanding of what it being said, both by the EA and by others claiming to speak on our behalf. I simply did what, in my opinion, needed to be done if we were to move forward. A clear majority of the membership supported the move and that resulted in the invitation to join TNUF in December - QED.

On the positive side we now have some resources to cover expenses and it is no longer possible for the gainsayers to bleat about us being "undemocratic" - A fiver a head seems a small price to pay for moving forward.

The TMBA is the first new organisation to emerge on the EA Thames scene for many a year. We are the only group where the sole condition for membership is owning a boat and paying EA licence fees for the non tidal Thames. We don't claim misleading figures for the number we represent - we don't need to as every member is a licence payer. Unlike any other group represented on TNUF we are solely focussed on EA Thames issues and I only wear one hat.

Frankly, I am proud of what we have achieved in a relatively short time. A new organisation with a paid up membership of over 100 is no small achievement. A 1,000 or more would be a damned sight more effective.


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30 Apr 2004
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I don't remember that conversation, Coochie, but no matter - you are entitled to decide for yourself and thank you for being the only one, so far, to respond to my request for enlightenment !

Frankly, I am proud of what we have achieved in a relatively short time. A new organisation with a paid up membership of over 100 is no small achievement. A 1,000 or more would be a damned sight more effective.

And (grammar) that's precisely why all efforts must be made to increase the membership. A token fee gives an indication of commitment - quite a part from the point that B1 has expenses in attending meetings and hosting the web site; that's unreasonable to expect anyone to bear out of their own pocket.

With a large and growing membership base any poll as to boaters' needs will carry more weight when negotiating with EA. Isn't it more sensible to have the views of a large number of users before EA makes whatever cuts it will need to do?

Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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You should be proud of what you have achieved and I am not dismissing that .
As i didn't re join when the changes happened I have lost touch with what the TMBA are up too so as nice as it is for OG to send you a fiver ( I bet that hurt ) ;) Joining a group when I don't know what they are doing is a bit silly . I just hope he hasn't also signed me up to some of the other clubs he is in :eek:


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Found this from the Nov 2012 NNUF papers - shows how Boat Registration income (top left) moves through the system before it arrives at the sharp end (bottom middle)!