Early Bank Holiday. RCC to Allington Lock and Maidstone Town Centre.


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6 Nov 2001
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Weather not promising on Friday and a few faint hearts, no names no pack drill but mainly Broom owners , whimped out.
However the weather did clear up and after Aylesford the sun did sort of appear.
Remarkably little rubbish in the river so the winter floods do have their uses.
Yellow boards at the lock office but all the upper Medway flow gauges within normal parameters.
On arrival at lock meet a fleet of boats coming down stream heading for RCC moorings and the Rochester Sweeps Festival.

Lock has now finished all the planned investment improvements with a complete remodelling of the lock cut wall which must have cost pretty penny.
Whole area has been levelled up with resin pathways complete with excellent sturdy wood rubbing band along the entire lock cut wall.

Icing on the cake will hopefully be a power bollard at the far end in the near future.
Most will be aware of camping area with chalets for hire along with the bespoke BBQ installed a year or two ago.
Usual friendly welcome from the lockie-in - charge and his volunteer staff with chance to natter and get an idea of any future plans from the EA staff.
Few boats remained at the lock moorings and the rest of us continued up to Maidstone.

Saturday dawns bright and sunny if not exactly hot.
Noted the EA launch going upstream to have "chat" to some speedboaters not sticking to the speed limit.
Heading back downstream past the ever increasing numbers of weekend river pods and house boats and their unsightly and rickety scaffold pole landing stages

About an hour after HW and waiting for tide to ebb sufficiently to get under Aylesford Bridge without drama.

The EA are trying to get the lock area attractive to all .
Late Bank Hol off to Ramsgate or Conyer.
RCC the boat club that goes Boating. :)
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