Test Your Flag Recognition


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17 Dec 2003
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Just clicked on that link:"Students from the University of Sunderland want to test your knowledge of sexual identity and gender identity flags."

Seems like a bit of humour with a serious underlying tone. People are different and it would be nice if everyone could respect that.

As the students meant this this tongue in cheek, perhaps we should get in on it?

  • Bi: MAB owner who fancies stripped and ripped
  • Poly: high-latitude racer who likes being tossed on a calm sea
  • Trans: sails Moody but has covert pass to Princess Party in Southampton
  • Oddball: peeps who want to sleep with their CQR

That kind of thing ;)
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1 Nov 2014
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No there isn't. He just wants to spew hate at those he doesn't understand, or doesn't want to understand, because they are not like him. That's fine on the Stormfront forums, or at UKIP meetings, but I'm damned if I can see why he should be allowed to use sailing forums to vent his prejudices and make groups of sailors feel unwelcome.

The bile displayed in The Lounge is bad enough. Let's keep it well away from the sailing forums.


Right with you on this, JD.


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24 Sep 2016
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As the students meant this [to be] tongue in cheek, perhaps we should get in on it?
I offer:
- Bicurious: tempted to have a go on a catamaran
- Aromantic: how your partner feels after you told them going out in a force 5 would be fine
- Queer: a funny feeling you get when crossing Cork Sand wind-over-tide
- Drag Queen: someone who can never get the anchor to set quite right
-Hermaphrodite: a tube of sealant that seems to have gone off

Edit: added one
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Old Bumbulum

Well-known member
11 May 2018
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Add another, Drama Queen.
PC fanatics who shriek hysterical accusations of homophobia and hatred where there is none whatsoever, juat an absense of approval or total compliance with their views....
ie instigating a total absence of diverstiy.

That's enough, this is a sailing thread but unwarranted and personal attacks by flag-waving fanatics and, franly, bigots who will not even entertain dissent from their personal opionions is unacceptable in any decent society.



Well-known member
28 May 2012
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Add another, Drama Queen.
PC fanatics who shriek hysterical accusations of homophobia and hatred where there is none whatsoever, juat an absense of approval or total compliance with their views....
ie instigating a total absence of diverstiy.

That's enough, this is a sailing thread but unwarranted and personal attacks by flag-waving fanatics and, franly, bigots who will not even entertain dissent from their personal opionions is unacceptable in any decent society.


No, it ain't the end. You don't get to call people you don't like freaks and weirdos, then claim that anyone who disagrees with you is a PC fanatic and try and close down the conversation.
You brought in the personal attacks with your own fanaticism, and you're the bigot who didn't want any opinions other than the ones you brought back from the 1950s.
You're welcome to your right to free speech; but you don't get to stop anyone else's.


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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No, it ain't the end. You don't get to call people you don't like freaks and weirdos, then claim that anyone who disagrees with you is a PC fanatic and try and close down the conversation.
You brought in the personal attacks with your own fanaticism, and you're the bigot who didn't want any opinions other than the ones you brought back from the 1950s.
You're welcome to your right to free speech; but you don't get to stop anyone else's.

Amen to that. Luckily the homophobes, the misogynists and the racists are increasingly becoming the freaks and the weirdos, but they are still in no position to burst into tears when challenged on their bigotry.


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13 Aug 2010
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Like others I was fairly appalled at old Bumblebums bigotry. I don't understand all the sexual identity flags but when my trans best friend / my children's godmother/godfather died suddenly I was moved beyond words when the funeral directors and staff spontaneously all wore a rainbow flag badge at the funeral.

Old Bumbulum

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11 May 2018
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intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Any "intolerance" I have displayed (actually pretty mild - if you trouble yourself to read what I wrote - and not one scintilla of hatred there) pales into utter insignificance compared to the pavlovian outbursts of hatred, vilification and insults some of you have unleashed - just because I hold a different opinion to you.

The criticism I have received here has been a hundred-fold more venomous, hate filled and viscious that anything I wrote.

Where, then, is the bigotry?

What appalling hypocricy!

That is my last word on the subject. There is no point in engaging with such petty, blinkered, closed minds who refuse to consider any opinion is permitted to exist but their own.
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Active member
24 Sep 2016
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Where, then, is the bigotry?
You said:
With that array of freaks and weirdos on the loose I think we'd do well to keep quiet about the Scuttlebutt, lest one of them takes it too literally and makes our eyes water... gender bender fluid?
and then:
Old Bumbulum said:
if you don't think that people who came up with many of those bizarre forms of sexuality aren't freaks and weirdos I can only think you must be right up there on the loonytunes spectrum too.
and then:
Old Bumbulum said:
The easily spluttered will doubtless splutter as they always do but no offense could possibly be taken by that.....I think a number of those definitions are weird and freakish as do most other people I believe. It is not a crime or indeed something capable of giving any offense to anyone whatsoever to hold a fair and reasonable belief that people who claim impossible and invented things are weird.
and then:
Old Bumbulum said:
I realise you can't distinguish between humour or mildly ridiculing foolishness, prefering to misread it as hatred and prejudice but that is a very unpleasant trait.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Any "intolerance" I have displayed (actually pretty mild - if you trouble yourself to read what I wrote - and not one scintilla of hatred there) pales into utter insignificance compared to the pavlovian outbursts of hatred, vilification and insults some of you have unleashed - just because I hold a different opinion to you.

Nobody is criticising you for holding a different opinion. A few of us have criticised you for expressing (not for holding) bigoted opinions (not just any old opinion) about other people in a way which would clearly make them feel unwelcome in this place.

There is no point in engaging with such petty, blinkered, closed minds who refuse to consider any opinion is permitted to exist but their own.

O wad some Power the giftie gie us.
To see oursels as ithers see us!