Temperature gauge question


New member
2 May 2023
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First question from a returnee ; I have two temperature gauges , one each at innner and outer steering position. The inner one the needle flicks when ignition
switched on but does not register any increase in engine heat.
At the deck steering position , the gauge shows the engine heat rising fairly rapidly and would go above 100degrees C if I didn't shut down.

My question ( this sort of electrics is way above me) does the fact that one gauge does not register have any effect on the other one ? . Is one gauge measuring
double due to the other not being pulsed ?. Is it just coincidence that one appears to have a double input in both temperature and the rate of increase ?

Many thanks for any input / help / advice.


New member
2 May 2023
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We have two engine temperature gauges at inner and outer steering positions. The outer gauge shows temperature rising fairly quickly and would keep rising to over
100 degrees C if I did not shut down. The inner gauge flicks when ignition turned on but does not increase at all while engine running. Is it possible that if one gauge
is defect the other will have double the input both in temperature and the speed in registering same. ?.
What makes it strange is that is and extra gauge which measures temperatures at cooling water outlet/exhaust and this shows temperatures do not rise above 38 degrees C. Engine is a Fiat Aifo 806AM
Many thanks .


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6 Jun 2001
UK East Coast
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We have two engine temperature gauges at inner and outer steering positions. The outer gauge shows temperature rising fairly quickly and would keep rising to over
100 degrees C if I did not shut down. The inner gauge flicks when ignition turned on but does not increase at all while engine running. Is it possible that if one gauge
is defect the other will have double the input both in temperature and the speed in registering same. ?.
What makes it strange is that is and extra gauge which measures temperatures at cooling water outlet/exhaust and this shows temperatures do not rise above 38 degrees C. Engine is a Fiat Aifo 806AM
Many thanks .
Are the two gauges sharing the same sensor? If so, disconnect the sensore wire from just one gauge and see if the other works differently. Then reconnect and disconnect the other gauge from the sensor. That will tell you if one gauge is having an effect on the other. If there are two sensors then you may have two different problems.
