TCM\'s Dec Contribution
Superb! But could i add a few others, Push a scatter cushion around the s bend and continue to use the toilet for several days, Tie a washing line to the TV aerial and pull it in alternate directions whilst the family watch their favorite TV programme, Persuade a neighbour to sit at the bottom of your garden under an umberella preferably in the rain, Then get him to hurl abuse at you whilst throwing maggots in your direction. Excellent mate keep em coming!
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Superb! But could i add a few others, Push a scatter cushion around the s bend and continue to use the toilet for several days, Tie a washing line to the TV aerial and pull it in alternate directions whilst the family watch their favorite TV programme, Persuade a neighbour to sit at the bottom of your garden under an umberella preferably in the rain, Then get him to hurl abuse at you whilst throwing maggots in your direction. Excellent mate keep em coming!
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