Tales From The River Bank.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Mole looked round with a Menacing snarl as the enourmous prop passed half an inch from his nose, neatly trimming his whiskers. Mole had moved house from the tranquile river Erwell to the Lancaster Canal. Thinking that in his old age a canal would have much calmer waters. Unfortunatly Moles arrival had coincided with the annual Chrismas get together of the LCBC ( Lancaster Canal Boat Club) The LCBC event was held in some god forsaken village hall some five miles from the marina. Not only Mole but ratty and the big ugly Pike had had enough of this dangourous and un-risk assessed activity, so they conviened a meeting at Toad Hall.

Meanwhile the boaties were having a sort of Jacobs joint come Karioki thingy in the village Hall, bright lights and course every one eating what they'ed brought them selves just to be on the safe side.

Drinks were mixed pre party and delivered in plastic bottles with plastic cups, mainly to disguise there contents as shorts might be deamed as a bit ostentasious for the occasion.

Mole passed a motion that all propelors should be straightened out a bit and rubber tipped as well. The ducks disagreed ferverently and said that the prop wash disterbed the mud and helped them gather the food for all there little chicks, so quite good really.

The LCBC. Party meanwhile ended quite soon as half the party had found a better venue at The Owd Tyde Barn, which was alot closser and less muddy.

Mole thought he would have a sleep in on Sunday after the hard work the night befor and the long swim home.

However his sleep was rudely awakened, because just at that time, whilst all the boats were returning from the party. The big barge Delft was going down the canal in the opposite direction because Deb said it would be muddy and better to get a taxi.

The result. Total carnage. Moles going in this direction and that, Freemans meeting 18 tons on hair pin bends, the big anchor sticking out in front. Long narrow boats going sideways. Mole and the ducks looking for cover!

The big barge had to stop loads of times even though it took at least 50 yds, then some, how majesitcly It held it's position in the water, with frantic turning of wheel to avert the prop wash and even using the bow thruster as well!!!

through the bridges only to be met by the next set of politically correct, Moles, Pike, toads, Freemans and narrowboaties!!!

It's back to Plymouth next time. Cant stand the strain!!../forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1> No one can force me to come here. I'm a volunteer!!.



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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<hr width=100% size=1> No one can force me to come here. I'm a volunteer!!.



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26 Dec 2003
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Mole and Toad got together. They had never seen anything like it. Foxy declaired that he was very worried as he had managed to evade the fox hounds for years, but was a bit worried about the 12 bore shot guns and poisons. He thought that the poisons might kill little furry animals like skwerelles as well as him. He was a bit concerned about People but mainly kids who might be mistaken for him by the new gun club, which had now overtaken the Fox hunting crowd and were shooting at most anything with tommy guns and Kiloshnicuff thingies.

Delft meandered down the cannal, unconcerned and unknowing, apart from the carnage above water, little knowing what was going on beneith!!

<hr width=100% size=1>deborah on delft.
Nothing to do with Mucky Farter or hlb in drag


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Soon, the Fat Controller came along. "What's all this garbage?" said the FC. "It seems that someone is trying to create a story, whereras in fact it's just a load of plotless garbage, exactly like the interminable Thomas the Tanks Engine rubbishy so-called stories, where boring trains are given smiley faces, but otherwise, they are boring trains. If you don't think of a plotline soon, i shall have to close down the canal and replace it with a nice motorway." And with that the fat controller marched off leaving the animals speechless, so they went to the pub for a bit of a think.

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26 Dec 2003
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But the canal had already been closed down by a nice new motorway and the Animals and canal folk had already pilaried parliment and got it all fixed for the canal to join up with Windermere, And so it wos read. No. the plot is. We went one way. All the rest went the other. Not to hard to follow, is it!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>deborah on delft.
Nothing to do with Mucky Farter or hlb in drag


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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And so it was that Delft continued on its way armed with only the thinnest of plotlines, namely that it was going one way, and all the other boats that it came across were coming the other.

"Argh" said the clueless driver, who fancied himself as a driver but was pretty hopeless really "This is weird!"

"Hm, well it's not that weird" said his able assistant patiently "cos i mean we're on a canal, see? If they were going the same way as us, then we're only really gonna meet one boat - the one in front if we go a bit fast OR the one behind if we slow down or stop. This way, there might be a few boats coming the other way, and seeing as the boat slighlty stronger than the pub, or any of the lock gates, it doens't matter if we bash a few things now does it, yer nummock?"

The clueless one was nevertheless very wurrid, and tried to imagine what a small rodent would make of the situation. He ate a carrot. Then he ate another carrot. Then, he found a large sort-of wheel cage thing and ran round inside it over and over again. This made him feel dizzy, and didn't help his confusion. So, it was time to go to the pub again. Obviously the same pub, since despite being worried and shouting about everything, canal boats hardly ever go anywhere at all.

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7 Sep 2001
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Bleeding 'ell! You are aloowed to drive that? No wonder theres carnage! Floatin 'ouse is that!

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26 Dec 2003
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Hi Colin, this really is me, not hlb posing as a woman & not for the first time !!

yes, we went out boating yesterday for the day, completely forgot we had all the cruising club boats returning from the doo we had been at the night before. met them all in bridge holes and generally, well yes frightened them all. You see my boat is a bit wider than a narrowboat, & has a HUGE anchor on the front at the very point of impact. AND of course they all know hlb (yes he was driving) is a mere novice... not into all this "riverboat" crap myself, agree with TCM - there's no actual plot

<hr width=100% size=1>deborah on delft.
Nothing to do with Mucky Farter or hlb in drag