Taking advantage of a poor Scot when he was ill!



I responded to HLB re his post on the Kangaroo court on Burns night below and have to say I found the whole thing distasteful. I am stuck in my bed with another great Scottish invention - winter vomiting virus - and whilst I am off the air you lot just get wired in to the Scots. Thats typical of the English and what led to Bannockburn, etc., etc.

Anyway, winter vomiting virus, according to BUPA is characterised by vomiting and diahorreah "of the projectile variety" In the "what to do about it" section it says it lasts 48 hours - lies! Nor does it offer any help in suggesting what to do when you are experiencing both symptons at once.

However, I want you all to know that it was borne with great stoicism and courage.

Anyway, I am glad to see that we did manage to point out a the extent to which Scots have led the English to this point in their evolution. This is because we are inventive by nature and basically nice people. We gave you golf, you gave us cricket ( a game lost by Englishmen all overthe world), we gave you football, you gave us in return darts! Please, no more favours!

Oh and for the guy who went on about the subsidy to Scotland of £9bn, it depends how you define subsidy. We export more per head by a very significant margin and I would see the subsidy as giving us a little back from the oil and whisky reserves plundered by Westminster.

Which brings me to whisky. Now the Balvenie is OK as a sort of mass market malt but it is clear that you guys have been a bit sheltered in you exposure to the amber nectar. Can I recommend to you Springbank as a brand to try. Their 18 year old is particularly nice.

There - no hard feelings, I am giving you all free advice.



Re: Taking advantage of a poor Scot when he was il

It's called Quiddich, isn't it?


Re: Taking advantage of a poor Scot when he was il

That's the one. And it's followed by communal golden showers afterwards, I believe.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Nick you are obviously wandering around commando style. Perhaps a pair of trollies might contain the projectile diahorrea?
Anyway - I reckon they English Jessies are in for a stuffing come Saturday


New member
11 Dec 2001
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I've been looking for an 18 year old for ages, please send me her 'phone number since you seem to be hors de combat and obviously no use to (wo)man or beast.