During our summer cruise, we will be transiting the gota canal from Stockholm to Goteborg. I am alowing about 3 weeks for this transit in our 35footer. One sailor told me that the fees were overly expensive but include up to three nights in all marinas encountered f.o.c. Another one told me it was cheap and good value. Neither could mention how much the transit fee was. Any ideas please.
Thanks in advance
P.S any users with good memories about my detachable roler reef inner forestay post of 6 months ago, it is up and running and will be with us on our Baltic cruise. Consideration was given to all the points raised in the projects design and conseption. Thanks again
Thanks in advance
P.S any users with good memories about my detachable roler reef inner forestay post of 6 months ago, it is up and running and will be with us on our Baltic cruise. Consideration was given to all the points raised in the projects design and conseption. Thanks again