As usual the Swan Uppers Support boats will be stopping overnight here at Ashmount House on their way up river. The date is scheduled for Thursday 19th July.
When does the upping start? ISTR it starts aorund Sunbury a fortnight or so beforehand. Sis will be over from Spain and will be in the area & wants to go boating about then.
Was Gray Lady involved last year? Haven't seen her on her moorings at Henley yet...
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She was there although the folks on board never seem to stay and enjoy the frivolities that take place with the other support boats at my place.
Does Peter Skerritt still organise the TVBC towing vessels? I think he sold Flying Swan some time ago, or was going to. Other boats Zinita, Brave Molly, Arcadia, Toilets of Paris (I assume Huckleberry no longer crewing)? Lady Eveyln is Brian Smethurst's boat. Can't think of others.