Nell McAndrew's my fave at the mo. Nice looking vessel though isn't it (the Sunseeker). Be great for hammering along the Florida coast with a big Marlin on the end of the line.
My waterline mark thingie is at the angle as well. Does that mean it's alright as long as I have Jade, my Boat Bunny, elegantly draped across the bow and a bandy net clamped to my transom? /forums/images/icons/cool.gif
Oh god what a horrid mess this will be. Buy one of these and the west country mob of ljs, hlb and so on will be straight round with their fishing gear and stuff. However, unlike you and me they will be v good at catching fish with tyhe dangly bits of string and ouch hooks, so the place will pong with the damn things inside half and hour. Whilst one of them does the urgh "gutting" with v dangerous yet business like knives the other will catch more fish than anyone can eat, with dead fish and urgh when we just wanted to go for a blam around. My cookery-watching program wife will leap into action and start grillining the things and everyone will be bright and breezy at the unfolding disater befalling the blood and guts on the outside and fishy pong in the inside of petems + mine new boat. The others will jump in to catch other fish or lobsters, and even to beat up the resitant fish, and call us wusses. Soon, the nice pearwood and luvverly carpet will stink of mackerel and other such semiedible stinkie fish, when some crisps and four bottles of becks would have done fine. We might even need wellies! On a flamin sunseeker!
Clearly, only people like me or Petem who are crap at catching fish, regularly walk past lakes full of fish without needing to kill all the marine life and are highly unlikely ever to do so should have one of these boats. Even then we should just rent it for a day, invite the proper fishy tpes on as above to wreck the place with fishing, and drive back.
We're no fishermen, I'll only catch what I can see and as for HLB I think the only thing that's hung on the end of his hooks has been his bait!
And what's all this about carpets on boats, surely carpet is only for houses and for mopping up all the nasty insides of gutted fish and scallop juices.
If my boat, car, fridge and dustbin don't stink of fish then I haven't had a good day out. The same applies to all my mates, praps we're all a strange breed down here.
Anyway do let us know when the launch party and first trip are to be held, I'll sharpen the hand spear and filleting knife in anticipation............................
Urgh! It needs the carpets - it's a sunseeker so that's how they hide all the funny shaped hatches and make it so the wife says Yes at the boat show. So, I'm afrad that although can come on board, you can't bring any filleting knives. Or fishing gear come to that. We will have some nice sandwiches, I think, and praps visit a pub.
You lot have nothing on my inability to catch fish.
Last Yr - 3 times hired Deeep Sea fishing boat for whole Day in Mauritius with renowned skipper(days after World Champoinship).
Total catch = Zero
SWWNBO obeyed is quite happy:-
1) Good suntan area in 'Fish Station'
2) She is convinced man is at bottom of the food chain.
Man chases birds who chase little fish who are chased by bigger fish. Everyone happy apart from man.
3) She is convinced man is insane.
'Who else drags floor mops around Indian Ocean for 3 days?'
No , in my hands , NO fish would ever dirty the deck, or at least when she is casting spell.
Re: BIG Game/ Sunseeker sportsfisher - Hot or not?
Tried dynamite? Somebody I know, not innocent little me of course, used a box of ariel soap powder (or Cymag) in the river just above a salmon pool, de-oxygenates the water and all the fish in that pool come floating to the surface to be picked out with a landing net! I wouldn't know if it's true of course. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
Never tried Aerial (or any other soap powder) but when we were kids we used to 'obtain' Thunderflashes from a local army camp and use them on Salmon and Trout pools in mid-Wales .
However for the most part we only succeded in deafening ourselves and I suspect there are a few fish who are now hard of hearing as well.
Re: BIG Game/ Sunseeker sportsfisher - Hot or not?
as one of the few here (only one?) who wil ladmit to currently owning a sports fisher............
no carpets
easy wash down = no smell of fish
the above sunseeker does look pretty; but so do many true sports fishers - but they lack aft cabins, sunbathing platforms, davits (of any sort 'cos they get in the way of lines) etc
they do however have large fridges and travel quickly in most conditions; s'pose this makes them day boats.
Whilst I love my boat I will admit that every time I use it I wish that I had a better galley, accomodation and cockpit seating rather than infills and pull ups! - bet I am not alone in this though...
I'll leave everything behind if you promise to visit a good pub selling great beer, not so sure about the sandwiches, I could bring along a lobster, and maybe a few scallops....................
I know ,, I've contacted both of them...I'm getting there. Still working on Big Bad Bear's boat, although response is decreasing (probably due CBS). Basically BvdH thinks it's a Mk 2 , it's not it's a Mark 1.