Never judge a man on the basis of a Daily Mail article...
He could have bouht himself a hull quite cheaply and probaly something with better seakeeping qualities than a Sunseeker at that (and it would have to be better looking). The fit-out would be top drawer and it seems likely that he would have had the skills to do it all himself.
I wonder why he never went ahead and bought the hull? Was it because his secret would have been much harder to keep? Or was it because he wanted a planing hull (which are harder to salvage because they rarely survive a write-off scale impact with integrity.
There is probably the basis of a very poor film here.
Which would be the more seaworthy a wheelbarrow or a Sunseeker
[/ QUOTE ] One thing for sure if you offered the guy who runs our boatyard £55Ks worth of Sunseeker parts or £55ks worth of wheelbarrows I know which he would choose. It would not be the Sunseeker parts
Just out of curiosity, why the big downer on Sunseekers by the posters on this thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
First and foremost, Sunseekers are not simply ugly by boat standards, they are cruel to the eye by any standard what so ever.
No vessel makes more noice or more wash. They are the stuff of Chavs dreams. Their popularity has no basis in science, engineering or art, just brash showyness. They are rarely handled in a seamanlike manner and there is no brand of Mobob where you are more likely to see the helm in a baseball cap back to front or a faux Captains cap (except possibly Regal).
Their marketing deliberately targets their image. If you have ever been subjected to their idea of VIP treatment then you'd know what I mean.
I am unsure if there is anything so harmless which I despise more. It is about values. The vaues of sunseeker are brash, bullying, loud and tasteless.
Isn't a buxom bottle blonde a standard Sunseeker part? It does appear so from their adverts (optional extras x3 more). In that case stealing a telly seems a bit dim
>First and foremost, Sunseekers are not simply ugly by boat standards, they are cruel to the eye by any standard what so ever.
No vessel makes more noice or more wash. They are the stuff of Chavs dreams. Their popularity has no basis in science, engineering or art, just brash showyness. They are rarely handled in a seamanlike manner and there is no brand of Mobob where you are more likely to see the helm in a baseball cap back to front or a faux Captains cap (except possibly Regal).
Their marketing deliberately targets their image. If you have ever been subjected to their idea of VIP treatment then you'd know what I mean.
I am unsure if there is anything so harmless which I despise more. It is about values. The vaues of sunseeker are brash, bullying, loud and tasteless. <
But apart from that, what is about them you don't like?
But apart from that, what is about them you don't like?
[/ QUOTE ]
Can I just say one thing in their favour though, they are a world renowned product, designed and manufactured in the UK and that is not something you see very often these days.
I have been doing a similar thing for years. Not, I hasten to add, stealing yacht components from my employer, but rather buying bits and pieces of kit so that I can gradually assemble a bigger boat without SWMBO noticing! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Not sitting on the fence then Judders old boy !!!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Would you recommend either Princess or Fairline instead or just go for an Italian mobo /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif