Sunseeker Fire


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Read the article on the Manhatten 80 fire with interest. From the article it appears it started behind a telly.

This reminded me of a Fire Safety officer who told me a few years ago that many fires strart from TV's left on overninght. My parents used to religously unplug their home telly at night, a practice which I have followed. I wonder if anyone else does? This advice may be especially relevant to those of you with TV's on the boat.

Reading boat reviews over the last couple of years, the feeling is that safety systems is the one area that can still be improved on boats. How many boats below superyacht size have sprinkler systems in the living quarters? Come to think of it how many even have smoke alarms fitted as standard?

So, next time you going down to the boat maybe you should consder fitting a £5 smoke detector in the saloon and cabins. And don't forget to unplug that telly!