Studland Eco moorings will cost you this year


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22 Sep 2008
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Since we've digressed onto Newtown Creek I saw a Helicopter land and take off there a couple of years back. I have photos but I could never work out exactly where he had touched down. It looked to be here:

50°43'36.9"N 1°24'15.4"W

I've been scratching my head about it ever since. If he was on the beach I'd have thought salt would be bad for the aircraft, but the grassy bits look too far to the east.
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Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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The problem we have is because we are so heavy we tend to stretch out our chain when the tide turns whereas lighter boats tend to pivit around their chains. It is quite disconcerting how much space we take up in an anchorage. The result is that we don't all swing together we often end up very close to surrounding boats.

Ideal. That’ll keep the numbers down.


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27 Jul 2010
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and don't begrudge a few quid a night
It's not about the few quid, it's about the lack of value add. There's no reason they are entitled to money, they aren't adding anything to the experience. If they weren't there your experience would be identical.

And no, I'm not on board with the idea that I'm paying them to not develop the land. It's not the case that every piece of land needs to make money, we should be declining development anyway!


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5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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It's not about the few quid, it's about the lack of value add. There's no reason they are entitled to money, they aren't adding anything to the experience. If they weren't there your experience would be identical.

And no, I'm not on board with the idea that I'm paying them to not develop the land. It's not the case that every piece of land needs to make money, we should be declining development anyway!
You are paying to use their mooring, channel markers, etc. Anchoring is free. A lot of the land is SSI, etc and floods so in theory no development but flooding doesn't seem to stop developers.


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27 Jul 2010
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You are paying to use their mooring, channel markers, etc. Anchoring is free. A lot of the land is SSI, etc and floods so in theory no development but flooding doesn't seem to stop developers.
They chose to put moorings in, preventing us from using the whole area for anchoring. I was talking about anchoring though.

Same story at Studland, we've already begun the steady slide towards commercialisation and BoatFolk are keen to align with eco-credentials in order to cash in.

Yes, I do absolutely begrudge paying organisations for something that should be free and open but is not simply because of their actions. A marina is a value add, charging to anchor or to put unnecessary moorings in is not. There are no services in either of these locations to justify a fee.


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5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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They chose to put moorings in, preventing us from using the whole area for anchoring. I was talking about anchoring though.

Same story at Studland, we've already begun the steady slide towards commercialisation and BoatFolk are keen to align with eco-credentials in order to cash in.

Yes, I do absolutely begrudge paying organisations for something that should be free and open but is not simply because of their actions. A marina is a value add, charging to anchor or to put unnecessary moorings in is not. There are no services in either of these locations to justify a fee.
Studland and Newtown don't charge to anchor nor does Poole harbour though technically they can. Most other harbours charge for anchoring even if miles from the facilities that you can use. Dartmouth, Salcombe, Fowey and Falmouth come to mind plus Braye. The charges do assist towards the maintenance of the channel markers so I have been told. Beaulieu charges for anchoring even just inside the river. With all these places if I anchor, I wait for them to come to me which they invariably do !

Studland has the MMO trying to 'protect' it but the ecco buoys will just bring in even more boats to an area that is already crowded on a nice summer weekend. Just require a picture of Studland with all the moorings empty and comments that such a nice bay has been wrecked by Boatfolk putting in all those buoys.


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27 Jul 2010
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Studland and Newtown don't charge to anchor
Newtown do, and Studland will very quickly become a no anchor zone as people try to monetise the bad science. Yes, many harbours charge for anchoring and it's an abhorrent abuse of power in all of them.

If channel markers are so expensive, let's bin them. GPS plotters have long since made them unnecessary for the average boater, and the vast majority of boats anchoring in harbours aren't the target market for channel markers anyway, which are aimed at those constrained by draft. If anything, most channel markers cause unnecessary traffic in a concentrated area where otherwise people would use the full width of a harbour or river.


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22 Sep 2008
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If channel markers are so expensive, let's bin them. GPS plotters have long since made them unnecessary for the average boater, and the vast majority of boats anchoring in harbours aren't the target market for channel markers anyway, which are aimed at those constrained by draft. If anything, most channel markers cause unnecessary traffic in a concentrated area where otherwise people would use the full width of a harbour or river.

This is worthy of a thread of its own. (I'm not brave enough to do it though.)


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27 Jul 2010
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This is worthy of a thread of its own. (I'm not brave enough to do it though.)
Agree, it's weird that people just accept that they have to pay for stuff other people decided to put there. I get it with necessary infrastructure like roads and hospitals, but we're really pushing it to say we have to pay for unnecessary channel markers and mooring buoys that actually a lot of us would be better off without.


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10 Nov 2007
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Newtown do, and Studland will very quickly become a no anchor zone as people try to monetise the bad science. Yes, many harbours charge for anchoring and it's an abhorrent abuse of power in all of them.
It is not an abuse of power. The power is granted by parliament and they are choosing to use those powers which are there to provide a potential source of income to pay for the maintenance of the harbour.

The difference with Newtown is that the NT don't have the power to charge for anchoring, but do for providing mooring buoys.

Not to difficult to understand.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Agree, it's weird that people just accept that they have to pay for stuff other people decided to put there. I get it with necessary infrastructure like roads and hospitals, but we're really pushing it to say we have to pay for unnecessary channel markers and mooring buoys that actually a lot of us would be better off without.
Look forward to seeing your campaign to get parliament to change the law, particularly as it has only recently been reviewed and revised for more consistency and to bring the law more into line with current requirements for providing services and management of our coastline and harbours.


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10 Oct 2016
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It's slightly different when you're forced to use a mooring, but here in Scotland, if you choose to use a visitor's mooring, it will generally cost quite a bit more than £10.
Depends where it is: eg all these are £10 or less

North Ayrshire Council bouys £0
Holy Island Ferry Bouy (Lamlash) £10
Kames Hotel £0 for customers
collintaive hotel £10 for customers (20 for others)
Carrick Castle £10


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27 Jul 2010
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It is not an abuse of power. The power is granted by parliament and they are choosing to use those powers which are there to provide a potential source of income to pay for the maintenance of the harbour.

The difference with Newtown is that the NT don't have the power to charge for anchoring, but do for providing mooring buoys.

Not to difficult to understand.
Whoa easy there, just because we have different views no need to be like that.

Parliament are a bunch of self serving rich people who absolutely abuse their power at every opportunity to line their own pockets and those of their friends. It's the reason they are there, and our former prime minister said as much and referred to the pay as "chicken feed" and he's right, it's not a well paid occupation if wages are the only thing taken into account.

Just because they decided to set these things up does not make it right, and blindly accepting that you have to pay for any and every activity in your life is a sad attitude in my opinion. In France they rarely even pay for car parking, let alone anchoring so there absolutely are other ways to go about running a country.

And no, I won't be campaigning, life is too short when you look at the voting record of the country I feel the majority are only in it for the punishment!


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27 Jul 2010
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Depends where it is: eg all these are £10 or less

North Ayrshire Council bouys £0
Holy Island Ferry Bouy (Lamlash) £10
Kames Hotel £0 for customers
collintaive hotel £10 for customers (20 for others)
Carrick Castle £10
For now. I'm told several places on the Scottish west coast have begun charging south coast England rates


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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Depends where it is: eg all these are £10 or less

North Ayrshire Council bouys £0
Holy Island Ferry Bouy (Lamlash) £10
Kames Hotel £0 for customers
collintaive hotel £10 for customers (20 for others)
Carrick Castle £10
That's precisely why I said "generally".


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5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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Newtown do, and Studland will very quickly become a no anchor zone as people try to monetise the bad science. Yes, many harbours charge for anchoring and it's an abhorrent abuse of power in all of them.
The HM at Newtown has never charged me for anchoring since the 'court case' many years ago. In 2023 whilst at anchor he went past with a cheery wave whilst I was anchored.


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27 Jul 2010
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The HM at Newtown has never charged me for anchoring since the 'court case' many years ago. In 2023 whilst at anchor he went past with a cheery wave whilst I was anchored.
Doesn't stop them asking, nor does it stop them implying it's a charge rather than a donation.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Whoa easy there, just because we have different views no need to be like that.

Parliament are a bunch of self serving rich people who absolutely abuse their power at every opportunity to line their own pockets and those of their friends. It's the reason they are there, and our former prime minister said as much and referred to the pay as "chicken feed" and he's right, it's not a well paid occupation if wages are the only thing taken into account.

Just because they decided to set these things up does not make it right, and blindly accepting that you have to pay for any and every activity in your life is a sad attitude in my opinion. In France they rarely even pay for car parking, let alone anchoring so there absolutely are other ways to go about running a country.

And no, I won't be campaigning, life is too short when you look at the voting record of the country I feel the majority are only in it for the punishment!
I don't recall saying I disagreed with you on this subject, but just explaining where the powers come from and how you might start the process of changing them, or the way they are exercised.

However it seems that you do not approve of the way our society is organised so I would be interested in hearing what you would propose as an alternative that would immediately result in the removal of all charges for anchoring and mooring in locations where they are made under powers granted by parliament.