Stowe S/D


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29 Jun 2001
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Help please,I have a Stowe Dataline S/D echo/log on my boat it works ok but I dont have the instructions for it and I want to change the depth alarms. Advice on how to change the alarms would be much appreciated thanks in advance.

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6 Aug 2002
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I have DatalineX system. Presume you are talking about SDX module. When I needed manual for CENTRAL module, Simrad who took over the Dataline from Stowe/Robertson, where very helpful, and provided PDF of manual required.

Manual for SDX is Part number 05707SM.

1. To set shallow alarm, press ALARM and * together.
2. Press DEPTH button once, alrm value will start flashing.
3. Increase depth value using LOG button.
4. Decrease depth value using SPEED button.
5. Save the value by pressing DEPTH button.
6. Return to main displayby pressing *button.

To set deep alarm, repeat as above but after 1. press LOG button once, then 2. to 6.

To turn alarms on/off, press ALARM & *, press LOGx2 (for shallow) or SPEEDx2 (for deep)press DEPTH to select ON or OFF, press * to return. There is also an anchor drag alarm, Press ALARM & *, press SPEED repeatedly till ANCH ALARM ON (or OFF) appears, USE DEPTH button to change.

Hope this helps. If you have the Dataline X system, PM me with an address and I can send you a photocopy of manual. I have manuals for SDX, Central, Wind and Tack modules, but only central in PDF.

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