I had Stowe Micro instruments on my boat two years ago. I made up a ready use button combination function sheet that is still on the comp. If you send me a PM with your email addy, I will send it to you.
All the original installation and operating sheets went to the person who had them off me.
It is for sounder and log functions - 200/210/220 (one of them is the wind inst) - and is a Word Doc.
A.W.Marine have recently purchased all spares and main line products of Stowe Marine from Simrad, and are back into manufacture of many spare parts for the mast head units, transducers etc.
Any enquires please contact Alan at info@awmarine.com or ring 02392 504253.
if you still have manuals on Navsounder and navigator could you send me a copy via email bv004o7430@blueyonder.co.uk as i have problems with mine and have no information on them .Thank you