Storm Jib Position


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30 Nov 2004
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Yes, but is it ok to attach the other end to the same place but alongside the existing forestay. The strain on the new arrangement would be much greater. Any thoughts suggestions please. TIA


Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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I can't imagine why the strain on the new attachment would be much greater. You would find the genoa at the top of it's wind range would put an enormous load on the forestay fitting. I think you need to fit it below but as close as possible to the permanent forestay fitting bearing in mind you will need a halyard. This is because the mast should have some pull backwards at this point to counteract the forestay pull. ie the backstay or in the case of a fractional rig the capshrouds swung slightly aft or even running backstays. If you take your storm jib forestay from too low it will pull on an unsupported part of the mast and tend to bend it . So near the main forestay or near the spreaders where the inner shrouds can provide some pull backwards (unless they are mounted abeam the mast. So it is difficult without seeing the mast just consider what happens when the new forestay is pulled very hard by a jib in a storm. regards will