Stand alone ICC test


New member
28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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My ICC cert runs out now so decided instead of just applying for renewal to take the stand alone day course. Spent half the morning on the written side & the rest of the day at the helm of a 45' Gobbi. Fiesty Mistress, based Limehouse Basin on the Thames. Motored down to Greenwich moored at the Yacht Club. Did the M.O.B drill ect then up to Houses of Parliment for a bit of ferry dodging. Great instructor who was so helpfull with any questions I had & showed me tips & tricks with ropes & boat handling which will prove to be of great value for the future.
Learned the following. Im far to dependent on GPS ect although I got through the course plotting exercise ok I really had to think about it its so long since I used a manual plotter. Electronics have made me lazy, will be charting courses manually for a while now. Also plan to take day skipper course shortly.
Good bits.
Spent a good half day at the helm of a much larger craft than mine as I will be moving up to this sort of craft in the next year or two this experience has been of great value to me. also spent a good hour or so practising manuvers in the confines of the marina in a strong crosswind. As for value for money where could you charter a craft of this size for half a day for £150.00.
I would advise anyone based in the med as I am to do the same the rules are changing fast out there. and as we all know you cant buy knowledge.

Great day out, Great instructor. & Great result.

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Not quite sure I understand the point you are making?

Firstly taking an ICC in the school's boat may well be good value for money but I got a 16ft rib in the pouring rain for the same money!

Secondly I know many people on this forum (and presumably elsewhwere - a nice Sealine from Aylesbury springs to mind!) who would be more than happy if you joined them for a day if you were looking to change boat - a side of smoked salmon, 2 chilled bottles of the widow Cliquot and a malt would be considered the top end of hospitality and comes in at a whole lot less than 150 (OK depends on the malt!).

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New member
28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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The point I was trying to make was. I thought taking the test again was a good way to refresh things which I had forgotten, whilst taking the test in a larger craft
was also a good way to gain experience of such. I dont have a problem with smaller craft. Also its all to easy just to renew things I only just resumed boating again in the last 12 months or to after a 4 year break and felt the bestway to go about things was to start with the basics & not blindly blunder onwards with only old memories to fall back on. As I said in my first post I will now take the day skipper practical course. The instructor said If I brushed up my navigation I should have no problems (his assesment not mine) As for the comment regarding our Aylsbury friend, he would be better suited on the local duck pond in a pedalo. Im not a fool when it comes to boat handling & safety at sea and am only looking to advance my experiances.........Nat

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