New member
My ICC cert runs out now so decided instead of just applying for renewal to take the stand alone day course. Spent half the morning on the written side & the rest of the day at the helm of a 45' Gobbi. Fiesty Mistress, based Limehouse Basin on the Thames. Motored down to Greenwich moored at the Yacht Club. Did the M.O.B drill ect then up to Houses of Parliment for a bit of ferry dodging. Great instructor who was so helpfull with any questions I had & showed me tips & tricks with ropes & boat handling which will prove to be of great value for the future.
Learned the following. Im far to dependent on GPS ect although I got through the course plotting exercise ok I really had to think about it its so long since I used a manual plotter. Electronics have made me lazy, will be charting courses manually for a while now. Also plan to take day skipper course shortly.
Good bits.
Spent a good half day at the helm of a much larger craft than mine as I will be moving up to this sort of craft in the next year or two this experience has been of great value to me. also spent a good hour or so practising manuvers in the confines of the marina in a strong crosswind. As for value for money where could you charter a craft of this size for half a day for £150.00.
I would advise anyone based in the med as I am to do the same the rules are changing fast out there. and as we all know you cant buy knowledge.
Great day out, Great instructor. & Great result.
<hr width=100% size=1>2655 ! You can tell me, I'm a Docter !
Learned the following. Im far to dependent on GPS ect although I got through the course plotting exercise ok I really had to think about it its so long since I used a manual plotter. Electronics have made me lazy, will be charting courses manually for a while now. Also plan to take day skipper course shortly.
Good bits.
Spent a good half day at the helm of a much larger craft than mine as I will be moving up to this sort of craft in the next year or two this experience has been of great value to me. also spent a good hour or so practising manuvers in the confines of the marina in a strong crosswind. As for value for money where could you charter a craft of this size for half a day for £150.00.
I would advise anyone based in the med as I am to do the same the rules are changing fast out there. and as we all know you cant buy knowledge.
Great day out, Great instructor. & Great result.
<hr width=100% size=1>2655 ! You can tell me, I'm a Docter !