stale fuel



Re: Sae 30 ??

Do you give the tank a shake before pouring it into engine tank ?

Unstable - I meant that mixing is not total and 'fall-out' may occur, especially if it's re-mamufactured / processed SAE 30 and not original Base Oil from refinery stock BEFORE the likes of Castrol etc.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by nigel_luther on 19/09/2002 13:13 (server time).</FONT></P>


Re: Getting it right !!!

The thing is the oil-water interface mainly so it is acedemic ....

I wouldn't advise which way - as there will be many who have encountered the problem either way.

Just to let people know - as Inspector / Loss Control guy on Petrochems a while ago - I used to visit a certain terminal in S. America that was supplying a well-known large Euro Oil Co. The storage tanks were over 20000 tons each and they had over 50cms of dead bugs in the bottoms. Bugs are not actually a problem that develops later in use ... they are there from very early in the life of the gasoil / diesel .... use of a inexpensive Culture stick, called a Fuel Dip will show that it is in virtually all diesel available .... it is just in varying degrees of contamination !!

Frequent change of fuel in a tank will keep it generally at bay, it is when it stands as storage and has water in the bottom that the problems really start.


30 Oct 2001
Limerick, Ireland
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Re: Sae 30 ??

I put the oil into the empty metal 5lt can and fill it at the garage pump. Its then poured into the engine tanks as required. The only shaking it gets after mixing is purely bychange.

The oil is intended for a diesel engine and I think contains some detergent.

Am I just lucky (in this particular instance) or what?


If it works - dont repair it !!

I am amazed at what we all do with some of our gear ...... I must admit that the price of Marine "t oil is a horror !!!!! and I use standard 2T oil for shore engines. Yes there is a difference and marine 2T is designed for the job. But I will not pay the price !!!!! In Estonia I have to buy Marine 2T, as there is no other that I can find !!!!! so have to lump it there !

But if you have no problems then why change ..... only thing is that my labs test all sorts of oils and there is alarge difference between 'virgin' refinery Base Oil and Sae 30 on the shelf ! 2T oil has a specific bunch of tests specifically for it and are part of the ASTM / IP set of analysis, as with most classes of oil. The tests show that Lub Oil and 2T oil are completely different animals ......... but please I do not want to start copying the 67 pages of specs etc. onto this forum !!!!!


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Re: If it works - dont repair it !!

Thanks Nigel - my understanding has leapt forward in leaps and bounds - I think! I was not aware that light had that effect on fuel - but it explains a lot - particularly why some stored petrol is useless while other times theres no problems.

And, oops sorry - of course 2T fuel is fatal to the Catalyser in the car. Shows how lopng it is since I ran petrol powered cars.... (and no its NOT a Sinclair C5)


Required sampling ...

When we sample large storage vessels / ships and tanks etc. we have to pay regard to the product we are sampling.

Gasolines, Naphthas and other light spirit style products : Coloured Glass or metal cans with press in seals and tight screw tops. The bottle should be overflowed and then capped / sealed and inverted to prevent ingress of air (oxygen), escape of volatile light ends. In cases where Vapour Pressure is to be tested the recc'd carriage is in a bucket of ice upside down.

Diesels / Gasoils : Same as above - less the upside down / ice bit, but now a little relaxed in that we can now use clear glass if necessary. We even can use HDPE plastic bottles ....... but this is subject to debate.

In the case of Arbitration samples, they must be in Internationally accepted Glass or metal containers, kept cold and out of strong light.

Reference to ASTM / IP / API Guidelines for Petroleum Inspectors for Measurement and sampling of Petroleum Products.