Well-known member
The 'unofficial' reason for not replacing the hoses was the replacement cost.
Typical SPP mentality.
The 'unofficial' reason for not replacing the hoses was the replacement cost.
No the new harbour mistress is.,cash is king
All siphoning involves water going uphill, initially anyway, that's the definition - it would be draining otherwise.No the new harbour mistress is.,
And if anyone has ever successfully syphoned anything uphill, !
Have knowledge of poor yachtsmen with cases of the squits.from drinking too much water.!
Please let us all know for our own SAFETY..,,
So why not try Beaucette, just a few miles north of St Peter Port? Hoses in abundance, excellent restaurant, reasonable mooring fees, no credit card charges, and the list goes on. And if you do come in, come and say Hi to us on Play deau!
We and two other friends with boats would have visited this year but as they can't be bothered to answer simple emails we won't.
Combined length of boats, 124 feet. Possible time in Beaucette, one week each.
Loss to them and the much vaunted restaurant? Significant.
Hey ho. France, here we come.
You are always in Beaucette. And the restaurant here is tops: www.beaucetterestaurant.com
Always what?
Not 'there' as they won't talk to us, we're not going.
My colleague who wrote to them thought it bizarre that he HAD to put in his phone number although he is currently cruising the north coast of France, making his way slowly south.
Why MUST he input a phone number? There really is no rational explanation.
It was a simple request about long stay mooring cost and availability of busses.
We and two other friends with boats would have visited this year but as they can't be bothered to answer simple emails we won't.
Always what?
Not 'there' as they won't talk to us, we're not going.
My colleague who wrote to them thought it bizarre that he HAD to put in his phone number although he is currently cruising the north coast of France, making his way slowly south.
Why MUST he input a phone number? There really is no rational explanation.
It was a simple request about long stay mooring cost and availability of busses.
I'm afraid so Piers. Two of us are now in St Malo and the other has just left Granville.
They still haven't answered the original, very simple, email that would have got them 3 boats x 1 weeks worth of business.