Ssr number


1 Sep 2006
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Is there any convention or are there rules governing the font and colour of SSR numbers on yachts?
I have the name of my yacht in navy blue and a font called Castellar, which is not too far a throw from Times New Roman.
I wanted to keep the SSR number in the same font, but realise that black and Arial are the norm.
The navy SSR number, I plan to have on the white transom under the boat name where it will be hugely visible, but again I realise that a lot of boats have them on their topsides.

Many thanks.


Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
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Is there any convention or are there rules governing the font and colour of SSR numbers on yachts?
I have the name of my yacht in navy blue and a font called Castellar, which is not too far a throw from Times New Roman.
I wanted to keep the SSR number in the same font, but realise that black and Arial are the norm.
The navy SSR number, I plan to have on the white transom under the boat name where it will be hugely visible, but again I realise that a lot of boats have them on their topsides.

Many thanks.

Have the correct font on the cabin sides and anything you want on the stern then everyone is happy .


24 Aug 2005
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Yes but don't know anyone thats been done for wrong size. Just packed away all the details but yes font, height and spacing legally. I can make them but i'm away for a week.


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24 Nov 2010
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The letter that came with your SSR registration specifies where the number must be shown and what size each digit must be. The reverse of the letter gives a specimen number so the font is implied in that example but is not stated. The font used in the example is Times New Roman, but as you say Arial seems to be the norm. Colour is not specified, just that it should be dark on a light background or light on a dark background. Obviously that is so that it is distinctive.
My personal opinion is that the use of the Castellar font somewhat detracts from the boldness of the specimen supplied by the MCA but I have never heard of action being taken against an owner for the use of an inappropriate font.
If the only reason for choosing Castellar for the SSR is to match the boat's name then why not put the SSR on the superstructure in conventional font and avoid any possible problems. That where mine is.


28 Aug 2006
Notts UK
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As far as I am aware only the minimum size of numerals is specified not a required size also the number can be fixed any where on the exterior of the hull, deck or superstructure where it can be readily seen.

Actual wording below:

4719 Rev 9/02 SMALL SHIPS REGISTER (SSR) Your new Certificate of Registry is enclosed. As the certificate is valid throughout the world it is important that you check all the details are correct to ensure you do not have any problems entering a foreign port. Should any details be incorrect please return it for amendment immediately. You must ensure that your vessel is marked with its registered number (including the prefix ‘SSR’). This must be painted on, or fixed to the exterior of the hull, deck or superstructure where it can be readily seen. Each digit of the number should be a minimum of 30mm in height and 20mm in width, except for the number 1, which should be 5mm in width and have a thickness of 5mm with a space of 5mm between each digit. The specimen digits overleaf may be used as templates for the registered number, which should be displayed as either dark digits on a light background or as light digits on a dark background. Any plate or raised lettering used to display the number must be securely attached to the vessel and should be effectively maintained and renewed where necessary. The Hull Identification Number (HIN), has recently been introduced on newly constructed vessels, will only be shown on the Certificate of British Registry when the number has been submitted on the SSR application form. HIN’s are fixed to the hull by the boatbuilder and can normally be found on the starboard outboard side of the transom or hull. Please note that you must return your Certificate of British Registry to this office if there are any changes to the ownership or other registration particulars of your vessel. The fee for re-registration, taking any changes into account, is ten pounds. Please also read the notes printed on the back of the Certificate. If you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact the Small Ships Register at the following address. REGISTRY OF SHIPPING & SEAMEN PO BOX 420 CARDIFF CF24 5XR Registry Of Shipping & Seamen, MCA Cardiff, Anchor Court, Ocean Way, Cardiff, CF24 5JW TEL: 029 20448855 FAX: 029 20448820
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